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Are these crazy symptoms possibly pregnancy symptoms?

Tagged as: Health, Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 April 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 30 April 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, *attie90 writes:

hi everyone i have a question about my body. ok im having some crazy symptoms ive been trying to get pregnant but the symptoms im having arent anything like pregnancy symptoms im bloated, ive had 6 headaches in the past 3 days, im very nauesated , i have heartburn but i havent eaten anything spicy to give me heartburn, im seeing things like little tiny bugs flying around but no one else sees them except me. are some of these pregnancy symptoms? im not supposed to start my period for a week and a half and i usually dont get symptoms of getting my period until the day i get it. please help me

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (30 April 2008):

birdynumnums agony auntI would take a pregnancy test to clear your head but it sounds like the flu more than anything else. Please take a test though, and see your Doctor. We are not licensed Doctors out here, but we all hope to steer you in the right direction! Hope you are feeling better soon!

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