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After months of texting he wants to meet me, but I am wary

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Question - (20 July 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 20 July 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

I have been texting a guy for months now (he got my number from a mutual friend) and he is witty, charming, flirts with me and it is great! The trouble is I had a casual relationship going with one of his friends a few months ago and he brought this up during the one conversation that we had and seemed to judge me for it and said that I've got so much going for me, why would I be with this guy? Recently he mentioned finaly wanting to meet up but I'm wondering why would a guy want to text a girl for months before meeting, particularly a girl who has a history with his friend. He said it was because he just got out of a relationship and didn't want to be a part of the "dramas" between me and his friend, of which there are none. Is he just toying with me or is he interested?

View related questions: flirt, text

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A male reader, Tray-c +, writes (20 July 2006):

Tray-c agony auntSince he got your number from a mutual friend you can 99% assume that this kid aint a physco of some sort so thats a plus. With him saying 'why would you go with this guy, you have so much going for you' this is code for 'Im better than that guy be with me, your great'. He just seems a shy guy who is smitten with you, I would think that he hasn't had a serious relationship and this whole 'just out of a relationship' is a small white lie. You should meet up with him things might click and all will go well but if they don't click don't lead him on and get the hell outta dodge

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