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My hymen won't break!

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Question - (20 July 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 March 2008)
A female , anonymous writes:

I'm a virgin and my bf and I tried to have sex for the first time. He couldn't get his penis in. He tried to use fingers first but they wouldn't go up more than about 2cm ... and it hurt badly! Am I abnormal? What should I do?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 March 2008):

i have this problem too! i feel your pain honey. some have suggested getting absolutly turned on to avoid most possible pain and to make it easier to insert penis. i have also heard some girls hymens are too tight and need to be surgicaly adjusted and im worried i may need this. ive tried sex soo many times but still unsucsessful. good luck to the both of us!

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A female reader, Angelicc United Kingdom +, writes (20 July 2006):

Angelicc agony auntThe fact that your boyfriend isn't able to enter you isn't down to you hymens. It's because your too tight or aren't wet enough. So try to relax, try a lil more fore play to turn you on so you'll be come looser and wetter.

The fact you might be too tight maybe down to the fact that your not completely ready to enter into a sexual relationship, that your not comfortable with the situation. Are you sure its something you want to do? Make sure you aren't being forced.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 July 2006):

how old are you? are you a young teenager? I'm a tiny woman i'm 4'9 and of slim build. And it felt like hell when I first had sex i felt like it was too tight but it's ok now. I was 18 when i lost my virginty and am now 23, it's all ok now.

Perhaps you should see a gyno.

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