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What can we do to stop the itching?

Tagged as: Health, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 June 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 3 June 2010)
A male United States age 51-59, *6fixitnow writes:

my sex life here lately is non existent .Because my girl is experiencing itching problems in and around her vagina .My question is what can we do to stop the itching .Doctors just don't seem to help her they keep saying all kinds of different things but really just do not know. please help.

View related questions: sex life, vagina

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A female reader, Oregongrl1 United States +, writes (3 June 2010):

That's crazy why that Dr, has no answer for you? i would be seeing another doctor.

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A female reader, mystiquek United States + , writes (3 June 2010):

mystiquek agony auntDC can be sooo very helpful to people, but as the other aunts have stated, we are NOT doctors here, we aren't experts, and seriously..take advice from uneducated strangers could be very dangerous. The problem could be sooo many different things...a yeast infection, allergy to soap, powders,around her menstrual cycle time, laundry detergents, a heat rash..the list goes on and on.....SERIOUSLY..if your lady isn't getting answers..then GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR! Its so much safer sweetie.......

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A female reader, Moo's Mum New Zealand +, writes (3 June 2010):

Moo's Mum agony auntI agree with chigirl go see a gynacologist about this. It needs to be sorted out once and for all.

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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (3 June 2010):

chigirl agony auntWhat are the doctors saying, and why do you think people who are not educated on the topic will be able to provide answers when you have seen several doctors? Im sorry, but this is a blind shot. What have the doctors already said, and has she taken any medication for it? Do you experience itching too, because typically itching would be a sign of fungus. For which there is medication. For how long has she been experiencing itching? What type of underwear does she use? Is her period regular?

It could be many things. I need more information before I can say much. But a gynecologist would offer the best advice!

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