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Archived questions from: 8 February, 2013 (see latest in Trust issues category)

(More questions from February, 2013)

Trust issues: Help and advice

Is he worth my time anymore? He says he's apprenhensive about calling me his Gf. Yet he's happy to share my bed

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - So basically, I've been seeing this guy (let's call him C) for 2 and a half months now, I've been keeping count! I don't know about anyone else, but I think 2 and half months is a long, long time to be "seeing" someone and not even be official yet! ...

What should I do? Ever since they've been together, my friend ignores me, and only calls or texts when she needs something. I hate this.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - Hi everyone, My best friend and I have been friends for the past 5 years. We've always had a GREAT relationship until recently. We used to talk all the time and she'd always text me a few times a day. We had a ritual every week where we'd ha...

He makes me feel secondary to pornstars. Is it a stupid reason to dump someone because they don't make you feel sexually desirable enough?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4238 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - Right my situation might be perceived to some as someone who has got their priorities wrong but I will continue.... Is it a stupid reason to dump someone because they don't make you feel sexually desirable enough? I am sure that he cared l...

Always been attracted to girls. But also like watching gay porn. Could my porn use be affecting the fantasies I masterbate to and think about?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4239 days ago

8 February 2013 (M - I am very confused at the moment. Since I was younger I have always been attracted to girls. When I see girls in the street, I'm instantly checking them out. Never in real life have I ever looked at a make and though hmm they're attracti...

How can I make new friends who are genuine friends? Not people whose intention is "just in case they need a favor"?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - This question is about new friends that I make along my way, that always want favors from me. I’m in my 30s with 12 year old child. We moved to a new state about 2 years ago, and I want to make friends. Everyone I meet seemingly very nice in a b...

What is her intent? is she just comfotable with me? Or is she interested?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (M - I am very interested in this woman in one of my college courses. We seem to be very comfortable with each other, because we walk and talk with each other every night after class. Here is the problem, it came up in one of our email conversa...

Considering my circumstances for next 3 years, how can I come to terms with delaying having a baby? My desire is for a baby right now

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - Lately I have been having day dreams about what it would be like to have another baby. I already have a 9 year old and I seriously think im getting broody. Sometimes I lay in bed thinking about that first mooment when the baby is born and you feel...

Should I reconnect with my first ex? Despite his threats and the reasons I broke up with him earlier?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4242 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - so here is my problem i broke up with ex 1 year ago,the reason was that he used to discuss wanting to force me for sex which i never wanted to do, actually it was an online relationship we never met, we were about to meet, but he used to say he w...

She sends texts to her male workmate every day. Does it sound like I have a right to be discouraged and want to leave her? She dismisses my fears.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (M - My wife and i have been married 5 years and for the past 2 years, she has been texting her workmate and calling him on a daily. We also live very close to her workplace and he takes her and picks her up. Ive spoken to my wife about my dislike...

How do I break it gently to this guy that I'm not ready for a relationship with him? In truth I'm trying to get back with my ex.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4242 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - Dear cupid, There’s this guy that I’ve been hanging out with and texting for the past couple of weeks; for security purposes, we'll just call him X. I invited two of my friends to a concert next month, and one of the friends, in turn, invited he...

I cannot match what he spent on me for my Birthday. So what should I consider instead for his B'day that would still be meaningful to him?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - This isn't one of the most important questions, but basically, my boyfriend bought me a £120 tiffanys necklace for my 16th birthday, its the most expensive thing anyone has ever bought me. His birthday is coming up at the end of this month, and w...

Sex between my and I boyfriend has become awkward and dissapointing. Any advice to improve things?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - A lot of the time I feel like my boyfriend isn't into me sexually, and its getting on my nerves. My boyfriend has a bit of a problem where he cannot ejaculate with me, but he has been able to with previous girlfriends, seems I found out the reas...

Why has my Fbuddy become so dis-interested in joining me for sex? He says he cares.What can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - hi friends, i am 20 years old and my sexual partner is 27. he is as of now my Fbuddy. we both share mutual trust and love in our relationship. i am quite a pest. i expect him to be the boyfriend and do all the expected acts of kindness. we stated...

I thought we wanted the same things. But he wants lots of changes. I'm struggling with this. Options? How to deal with this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - There are a ton of HUGE things that are about to change with my husband and I, and I find myself questioning our relationship and whether or not were even compatible anymore. First off, he's telling me that he wants to quit his job and take ano...

Why can't I have both love and passion from the guy I'm going to marry... isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - Hello Aunts, I've been with my fiance for just about three years now, wedding is planned for 11 months from now. He is perfect for me in almost every way, and I for him. He was in a real bad place for many years prior to meeting me. He was stil...

He does everything for her. Is he doing too much? He is attentive and helpful. But will he get sick of being so attentive one day?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4225 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - I know in a lot of cases clingyness ruins a relationship. However is this likely? For example, if a guy is THAT crazy about a girl that he does every thing she wants including buying her things, running round after her, going to see her in every sp...

Does it sound like we are right for each other? Is it going to get better between us when I go home again in 9 months?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4224 days ago

8 February 2013 (F - I have trouble understanding where my long-term relationship is going and need some advice. I'll start from the beginning, but sorry in advance for the long tale. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years in one month. I was 17, he was ...

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