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Archived questions from: January, 2014 (see latest in Three is a crowd category)

Three is a crowd: Help and advice

What does it mean if she's afraid when I tell her that I love her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3886 days ago

30 January 2014 (M - I have the misfortune of loving a 55 year old woman who was traumatically, emotionally abused in a 30 year long marriage, until she became so frightened of him she managed to leave and divorce him. She is now divorced for 3 years. She was also ...

I think I'd be happier with my ex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3887 days ago

29 January 2014 (M - About 4 months ago now I ended my relationship with a girl who I really liked, as I didn't feel ready for a relationship at that point, but it affected me more than I thought it would and I can't go a day without thinking about her and regretting ...

How do I cope with strong attraction to a co-worker who I have no intention of getting involved with?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3887 days ago

29 January 2014 (F - Hi I need some advice on how to deal with a situation. Firstly I am 23 and do not intend to act on my feelings. So I have fallen for a guy I work with. He seems a lovely, genuine guy and I very much enjoy working with him. To paint a pictur...

In love with a woman who's in a relationship and it's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3884 days ago

29 January 2014 (M - Hello to all, I have a problem and I could need some advice. Can't talk with anyone around me about this problem.... Eight months ago I added an old classmate on Facebook. We started chatting on Facebook. She is in a relationship (7 years). ...

My first love is back in the picture and I'm torn ...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3887 days ago

27 January 2014 (F - Sorry for the essay but I don't know what's the right thing to do, I've never been in this situation before and I don't want to make the wrong decision. Last night something that I've wanted for so long happened and it couldn't be worse timing! ...

I'm dating a guy and his ex is hitting on me???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3891 days ago

24 January 2014 (F - Okay so, I met this guy in an online game, we started getting to know eachother better and we were very clear nothing was to be expected but then things changed. We started to get to know eachother better and shared real life details (the game we ...

Is his contact with the girl from the AA meetings violating their open relationship rules?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3892 days ago

23 January 2014 (F - Ok- I am posting for my best friend because it is an issue she is struggling with and came to me for help/to talk. I'm not sure exactly what to tell her. She is engaged and living with her fiance. They are in an open relationship and have been to...

Should I go for a threesome?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3890 days ago

23 January 2014 (M - So, Uni drama again. Bloody Uni eh? So someone I met in first year, liked him for ages, tried to get with him for ages, we had a sexual thing but other than that we never really went anywhere, he pretty much friendzoned me soon as he could, then w...

Fed up of my boyfriend's friend flirting with him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3894 days ago

23 January 2014 (F - Hey everyone I have a question. Well, me and my boyfriend have a mutual friend who is a girl. She's known my boyfriend before him and I even got together, and she is more his friend than mine. I don't know her that well, but have talked to her an...

Do I choose my husband or my boyfriend?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 3724 days ago

22 January 2014 (F - I need advice very badly. I'm in a predicament I never thought I would find myself in though I have seen it on the site before. I am having to choose between two men. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. One is my husband, not what you think or ...

She has a boyfriend, so why does she keep telling me I'm sweet?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3895 days ago

19 January 2014 (M - Women are very confusing to me My friend has been telling me I'm very sweet lately when we talk or text. Last time I texted her , she told me I'm sweet like 4 times. I know she is going through a tough time but still. She talks to me when I'm ...

I feel furious and totally used!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3898 days ago

18 January 2014 (M - Hi, I'm just wondering what people make of this, because I feel so angry when I think about it and I need to off load. 2 years ago now, met a girl while out. It was like love at first sight if you know what I mean. We went on a date and it was ...

My head is going nuts and he has left me confused!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3897 days ago

18 January 2014 (F - I wrote here about a week ago about a guy I'm dating, it isn't serious I don't particularly want it to be serious I just want to go with the flow kind of thing enjoy the moment take things slow. Last night we went out and had a great time decid...

She has a boyfriend but tells me her relationship is falling apart! Should I make a move?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3898 days ago

18 January 2014 (M - Hi! A year ago I posted here with regards to the break-up from hell. Well, I can safely say 12 months later that's all in the past Moved on with my life and it's all going well. So there's this new girl. Problem is... she has a boyfriend. Yep, ...

Married but fell for someone else

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3897 days ago

16 January 2014 (F - I am 28 and married. I have never cheated on my husbands and never looked at another man until now. My husband has always been flirty with other women and chats them up right in front of me sometimes which is hurtful and embarrassing. I always take ...

First it was just a break,now its an 'open' break, so what does my GF really want?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3900 days ago

16 January 2014 (M - So my girlfriend and i are taking a break from our relationship because she want to figure out what she wants to do in life and i agreed to it. I understand because im in that position too. Then later on we confirmed if it was ok to just talk to the ...

I want to win my ex fiance back

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3900 days ago

16 January 2014 (F - This is long...been in a relationship with this guy for the past 4 years but we broke up 8 months ago. We also were engaged. We have had alot of ups and downs and hurdles. Now as soon as we were about to work on trying back again I had a ...

Do I stay with my girlfriend and hope things get better, or leave her for a girl who may leave me for a girl when she decides I'm just a phase?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3900 days ago

15 January 2014 (M - im currently in a relationship with a girl and ive been with her for five years, i loved her in the beginning and i still care for her but im finding it hard to say to myself that i still love her and for the last year ive felt less intrested in ...

I want to satisfy all his needs but not with a threesome!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3902 days ago

13 January 2014 (F - Ok so i know this is a probably a typical silly question to ask but i want to know your opinions on having a threesome based in a relationship!! Small bit of background Im with my partner just over 6 months now we are both similar people and even ...

Boyfriend is still friends with his ex friend-with-benefits. Am I selfish or obsessive in my response to this situation?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3904 days ago

12 January 2014 (F - I'm not sure if I am acting selfish and obsessive or if I'm acting as most girls would in regards to my current relationship. I have been dating my boyfriend since last summer. I had a boyfriend for 2 years before my current boyfriend, and we had b...

How do I stop feeling jealous of my boyfriends co-worker?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3907 days ago

9 January 2014 (F - How do I stop feeling jealous of my boyfriend's coworker for whom he used to have feelings? I live about 40 minutes away from him and only see him on the weekends, mostly. She and him used to work together, but she moved on to a different company ...

Please help before this situation spirals out of control....again!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3907 days ago

9 January 2014 (F - Hiya I could do with some advice before my problem spirals out of control again. Me and my partner have been together nearly 3 years. He has kids from a previous relationship. We have all got along brilliantly and I love them to b...

He is a really great guy...but why wont he divorce his ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3905 days ago

9 January 2014 (F - So, I am really very torn. I have been with my boyfriend for a year...and he has been separated for 2. They have no kids and she left him. He excuses for not applying is 1. No money and 2. Not wanting her to fight for the house (although as I s...

Does my ex still love me? He got a new Gf. Yet now he will not leave me alone.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3908 days ago

8 January 2014 (F - Does my ex still love me ? Hi everyone. Thanks for looking even if u don't read it all. Well basically to cut long story short. I was with my ex about 6 years, we split up due to arguing all the time and we ended up hating each other becau...

I want to spend more time with my girl but her friend doesn't like me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3907 days ago

8 January 2014 (M - Hello Cupid I'm dating a girl since 5 weeks at local college and it's going on nicely ! We seem to connect and things are lovely :) I'm a senior so I have classes at different time than her. So when I'm free and so is she, we hang out! Howeve...

I want to try swinging, but I don't know if I can without him loving me!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 3907 days ago

6 January 2014 (F - Ok, we have only been dating about 5 months but I'm really fallen for him. I could even say I am falling in love.(I'm 44 and he is 46) I ended a 25 y marriage, but have been dating for about 4 y and this is the most serious relationship I have ...

My partner betrayed my trust and I don't know what to believe now...and we have a 3 month baby so leaving him is not an option

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3909 days ago

6 January 2014 (F - Hi I have been with my partner for 2 years. We live together and have a 3 month old baby. We are both 25 years old and we plan to get married in the near future. He is a good partner and father but I have a problem. When I had known him for on...

He has been sleeping with my best friend but wants another chance!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3910 days ago

5 January 2014 (F - My boyfriend who is18 slept with my best friend during our entire one year relationship . He says that he is sorry and doesn't know why he did it bit wants me to give him another chance...

My mother in law keeps pressuring us to have children

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3913 days ago

3 January 2014 (F - i'm married for a year now and i actually have a great life with my husband. we decided not to have kids the first years of our marriage and especially now that i have a chance of promotion in my work for which i worked very hard fir the past four ...

Why didn't he mention his girlfriend ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3913 days ago

3 January 2014 (F - Hey :) I met a guy a year ago, we "dated" briefly a month but nothing happened between us. Indeed, I want to build friendship with a guy before dating him. The consequence is that he thought I was disinterested so he faded away. Two weeks late...

Our sexual interests are completely opposite. Can I satisfy my needs elsewhere?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3913 days ago

3 January 2014 (F - I am happily engaged to an amazing man; we are getting married this coming October. He is my best friend, and an incredible person. I love him so much, and the thought of him being hurt is just too much for me to bear. However, when it comes to...

Did my boyfriend cheat with this random facebook girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3913 days ago

3 January 2014 (F - My boyfriend and I have gotten extremely close over the last 6 months or so. However, before that, we weren't so close - we only spoke every couple of days, whereas now we're inseparable. My boyfriend and I go to different universities, but in the ...

I'm trapped in a bad marriage and I have feelings for a married man who's in a similar situation like me. Have any of you been in this situation before and did anything ever come of it especially when both of you had children?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3913 days ago

3 January 2014 (F - Could this man be my soul mate? I have been married for almost 10 years, and I am an extremely faithful and understanding wife. Although people get married with the intention of loving in good times and in bad, I feel like I have been through ...

I went to the movies with a male friend. Was that cheating on my boyfriend?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 3912 days ago

2 January 2014 (F - I've been friends with this guy for 2 years and 2 weeks ago he told me he's never had a gf before and that I was the first girl that got close to him and he developed feelings for me, I reminded him I have a boyfriend that I love, he said he was ...

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