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Archived questions from: 3 November, 2010 (see latest in Big Questions category)

(More questions from November, 2010)

Big Questions: Help and advice

He likes shopping... is he gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My man who has been living with me for 11 months is a bit different from your regular guy. He loves shopping, furniture,shoes,bags,womens underwear and clothes. He is always saying oh that would look good on you or you should buy this.......

Strange email...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - I was checking my email when I saw a picture, it says this person was searching for you - it was a 31 year old from my city, the email is under my husband's name, should I question this or just leave this alone?...

Am I rushing the situation or is he not interested in me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5014 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - There's a new guy at work that I met and he seemed to like me, according to how he acts around me. Well, he invited me to his gym and i went and signed up. I signed up because I thought it would be a good idea since I liked him too. Well, we go to ...

How can you tell if a guy is interested in you?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - What are ways to tell if a guy is interested in you? HELP PLEASE im so confused....

Can my dad stop me from moving out at 18 if I am still in high school?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - can my dad stop me form moving out when i am 18 if i am still in high school...

He says he is going to take me to court for custody of our son!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My problem is kinda long but I need advice urgently so please bare with me. Ive got a 6 month old son, me and his dad are not together anymore and havnt been since I was pregnant. However, we got on well apart and he would have our son over at ...

Should I leave my unattentive LDR for a guy who will actually care for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - i been with this guy for one half years we are long distance. we had lot of issues. he text or say sweet stuff when we fall out.if i call he hardly pick up or busy he say we too young to be engaged im 20 he 23. hardly pay attention not that I...

What do you consider red flags in a relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - Just a few quick questions I have. I just want to keep this simple and straight t the point... 1) what are forms of abuse in a relationship, can anyone give me examples of mental/emotional abuse in relationships? 2) what are in your opionion p...

Help me! I feel like a pathetic loser!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - i am a 15 year old girl who lives in Holland. I moved to a bilangual school recently which half of the lessons are in dutch. I feel like a pathetic LOSER because i am not white or dutch, I have such an accent when speaking dutch, all the other kids ...

Should I let him go, or hope that I will fall in love with him eventually?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - I've been seeing this guy for sometime now, for about a year. He's in love an I'm not. He want to be a family with me an my kids honestly I could care less. Do I need to just let go or keep hoping to fall in love with him. ...

Am I destined to be alone because I don't want children?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - I am a 25 year old female and I do not have children. I dont want children- never have and never will and this is something that I will not compromise on as its not fair to bring a child into this world that is not wanted. Anyways, that ...

Is there any chance to get my relationship back?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - After 3 years and 7 months my fiancee broke up with me. Honestly I have never been so miserable. We fought a lot but i know i can change, and I really want her back. Is there any hope for us to renew our relationship? If there is how could I do it?...

What to do about my feelings/dreams?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5068 days ago

3 November 2010 (? - My dad just remarried not to long ago to a woman who has 3 kids. I am an only child. Her oldest is a year younger than me. I haven't gotten to know them a great deal but I'm cool being around them. Anyways I had a dream about the oldest and i...

How do I get out of this relationship? I am a saver, he is a spender and it is just not working!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - my boyfriend of several years is upset im not buying him a house, car, and lavish gifts. I make much more money than he does, and its a sore spot. Im a saver, he is a spender. He has had several flighs over the years and refuses couciling, stating ...

I know I am not gay and would never even kiss a guy, but why do I get turned on by gay porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5067 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - i'm straight and in a relationship, i've been with many girls, i'm really attracted to them and lesbians, i often find im turned on by girls i shouldnt been like my ex's sisters and stuff. anyway my question is, i like to watch gay porn and get ...

My boyfriend, his ex and me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My bf and i have been together for nearly 2 years, we're really close and love each other very much, we both say how we really couldnt see ours lives without each other. thats great. the thing is there are things which keep coming up and upset me. ...

My husband does not agree with our daughters relationship whereas I am fine with it, this is putting a real strain on our marriage

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5060 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My daughter is 14 and she is dating a 17 yr old. I've known the boy for 4 yrs and I also know his parents well. They are a very Christian family. This is her first real relationship. I make sure either I am with her or his parents are with them ...

I think my ex may have borderline personality disorder...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5058 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - I would really like some help with this. I have just come out of a near 3 year relationship with my girlfriend who's jealousy, insecurity and mistrust of me destroyed our relationship. The 3 years have been an emotional roller coaster whereby my ...

Ladies and Men. How important is love to you...and is it worth fighting for?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5064 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - Ladies and men...have you ever fought for the one you loved even if they were in another relationship? If so, how did it turn out? I ask because I am currently in that situation. Some may think I am crazy, but would you really let the one you ...

I want to be able to see my son when I want but his father wont let me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5068 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My son is 16yrs old, his father has primary custody of him, but we both have joint custody. My son wants to be able to come to my house whenever he wants, but his dad is sticking to the court papers, only when its my son wants to come over. I ...

Boys get erections, so what happens to girls?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - i know boys get erections but what do girls get? ...

Which family should I work for as an Au Pair?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - I need help. I have been offered some Au Pair jobs, but i'm not sure which family to work for...I'll tell you about the ones i have heard back from. Some of the families haven't wrote back with all the details yet... One of the families is Ameri...

I have a great relationship with my husband, so why cant I get this other man out of my head?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - Think I am going through a mid life crisis and need some help..been married for many years my children have grown up and have their own lives,, My hubby and me have a great relationship, still fancy each other and make time for each other,,However I ...

How can I speak to my dad about writing a will?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5065 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - My Dad is 75 and has not made a will. How can I speak to him about this? He goes all weazilly when I mention it, but I feel really sad. I know that if he dies without one not only will his kids be left broken hearted but we will have a hell of a ...

Can anyone help with the issues I am having in my relationship?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - I am a 24 year old woman who has been in relationship with my boyfriend for nearly 4 years. We live together, share finances, pets everything! But over the past year we have had sex less than 5 times, don't even kiss apart from on the cheek and hug ...

How do guys feel about pointy noses?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - Do guys love it when girls have pointed nose? or they simply hate it. am a girl. my nose is very pointed just like the indian hero ''saif ali khan'' i really don't like the way it is. Especially when i looked myself on the side, i feel disgusting. i ...

Why don't intelligent people see this guy for what he really is?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

3 November 2010 (? - I,m writing this as i can of need to vent my feelings. I know a guy who at first i thought was pretty decent, seemed nice etc... turns out i couldn't have been more wrong, let me explain. We slept together a few times last year, i thought he he ...

I've realised I have messed up but now she has lost all her feelings for me! What can I do to bring them back?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - Hie guys, i am a guy aged 31 married for 3 and half years to a 25 year old lady. We have a two year old kid together. The problem is during this whole period my wife used to complain that i dont show her love and i dont talk to her. This was for ...

Long distance boyfriend coming to see me soon but I have gained weight, plus I want to learn more about his country ready for when I move there. Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5071 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - Hello! So my boyfriend and I have been really getting along. He lives in the netherlands and I live in New york. I like this long distant relationship, because, I dunno. It seems like it's more fun, and we always have something to talk about. He's...

How do I tell my family and girlfriend that I am a crossdresser?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5071 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - hi, i am a 22yrs male to female crossdresser from mumbai, india. i have always desired to be a wife . . i cook, dress,behave as girl.i wear saree, blouse, bindi, chudi makeup , wigs, salwar kameez, ghagra choli, earings, tops and should i ...

Stories on moving away from home?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5071 days ago

3 November 2010 (F - Hi,my names Heart and I have a question about moving away from home,I'm 17 at the moment and my goal is to move to brisbane in july next year,thats 2 hours plane flight from my home town.At the moment I live with my parents,always have.My town is ...

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