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Why don't I fancy him? He's Perfect!

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Question - (23 April 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 24 April 2009)
A female Australia age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Im so inlove with my boyfriend ,he is the sweetest kindest most loving person there is . He absolutly adores me .. we have been going out for three years now .. sounds blissful doesnt it? everyone envys my handsome loving boyfriend ,he is really tall dark and handsome :)... but then why am i not sexually attrected to him ,we dont have any chemisrty what so ever!! :s

why does it always have to be either or.

And there is nothing wrong with him ,he does everything perfectly, is well equiped :p ,we have tried EVERY position ,the whole kama sutra to be brief .. he says he feels a lot of chemistry for me and is really attracted to me ,but why do i not feel the same for him? I have been honest to him about this ,but that didnt help either ... there is nothing wrong with me either because i can feel very attracted to other men at times and feel really sexual towards another . ( i have never cheated on my boyfriend) But i need some good sex , so does he .. this is a silly reason to leave him after all that we have been through ,but im so young and so not getting any .. Please help or tell me that you are in the same situation .

View related questions: cheated on my boyfriend

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A male reader, Griffo Australia +, writes (24 April 2009):

Griffo agony aunt

We can love people, but we can also fall out of love. Especially when we are growing and learning about the world. For men, the first love is magical, It's all heart, and the sex is fully emotional and all, so its likley why its really great for him. However, unfortunatley for some when that first woman breaks his heart he changes and every love after that is usually never the same. thus women find it difficult to find a genuine man later rather than a player in future. Its likley you are his first real true love and he is also yours.

Its also likley you have fallen out of love with him, there is nothing wrong with that. Its a normal process in life. I have seem this hundreds of times, the girl in the late teen years becomes curious about the world and even other men and then wishes to move on. But the guy feels he has found the one and he is determined to keep her forever. If he really loves you it could be a hard breakup he will be determined to keep you, but on the otherside some are known to let his true love go hoping that someday you will return to him. the saying goes "If you really love me you will set me free, if i return i was yours to begin with." However, you'll need to not give him false hope in order to get away, otherwise he will come back just the same as you left him.

In conclusion, maybe for now talk with him and let him know how your really feeling. Try not to get into an argument about it even if you feel it coming on and if he says anything that could be hurtful, he could only be saying that because he's hurting inside, and not really mean it to you. don't break up with him just yet, if you are thinking of it. Sometimes its better to take a little break and then you can make your decision about him afterwards. you never know you might end up missing him.

Let us know how you go.

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A female reader, CandyCakes United States +, writes (24 April 2009):

It's not uncommon for girls to be frustrated in the bedroom. Sex is easy for men: Insert Tab A into Slot B and hump like hell.

Try being more intimate with your man, this can foster a healthy sexual relationship. So try to kiss him throughout the day, snuggle when you're together more. During sex have him touch you a lot first instead of just jumping a head. Teach him how to touch you in ways you like.

You might find you like sex a whole lot better and that he's actually starting to look pretty damn hot...

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 April 2009):

im in the exact same situation, my partner is everything i want and need but there is no chemistry, it annoys the hell out of me but i would rather keep him than be with a guy that gives me chemistry and nothing else.....

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