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What's the difference between MFM and FMF threesomes?

Tagged as: Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 February 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 February 2011)
A female Canada age 30-35, *shco writes:

What's the differences between FMF threesomes and MFM threesomes?

Just wondering because the first few months into dating my bf he wanted a 3some with another female, i said no and that if he wanted one then he can dump me and find 2 ladies that were willing to have one. (this was a few years ago when we first started dating btw). Now we've been togeather for almost 2 years now and i want a 3some but i want another male into it. He flat out said no and that the only way a 3some would happen is if it was with another female.

So whats the differences? I'm bi so it isn't a problem having a threesome with another female BUT for a really long time (before my bf came into the picture) I wanted a 3some with 2 males.

So ya what's the differences? And i'm not pushing the threesome with my bf since we can't agree on the gender part LOL. Just so ya know

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A female reader, Gabrielle Stoker United States +, writes (26 February 2011):

Gabrielle Stoker agony auntAt the risk of sounding facetious, the main difference is in the ratio of men to women.

Most MMFs I have been in have involved the men not touching each other at all and the girl basically getting to (if, like me, she's really into it) enjoy and exploit the men to the fullest.

In a FFM there's more of an involvement, with each person expecting (and ideally, getting) a lot of attention from both the other two. The girls should be showing each other a lot of affection, or else the comfort level really suffers.

That said, a 3some is almost always a bad idea for people in relationship.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 February 2011):

The difference is it would be two guys and one girl. I'm doubting this would appeal to most men.

When there's two girls, i'm guessing that the guy would expect them to do things to each other too. On the other hand, i don't think a straight guy would find the idea of doing things with another guy attractive.

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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (26 February 2011):

chigirl agony auntThe difference is the genders. Your boyfriend isn't bi, and even if he was it doesn't mean he would get turned on by another male penetrating you. Just as for you it's not a turn on to think of your man doing another woman.

A threesome is a thing where all parts participate, if you ask me. That'd mean if there were two guys they'd be touching, liking, grabbing, possibly penetrating, each other as well. Most guy's who want a MFM threesome will not agree to touching the other man. They only agree to sharing the woman. And in these MFM, going by reputation only, the woman is sadly looked upon as something very low, to be used by the men. Im just saying that as to warn you in case you to get the opportunity for a MFM threesome... be careful what guys you invite to your bed because they could start talking afterwards, or not treat you right.

Of course, that's just a rumour. But in a FMF threesome the women are more often than not doing things to each other, whether they are bisexual or straight.

I highly recommend doing a threesome only with people you actually care alot about, and that cares for you. Just as I recommend sex with a person you have feelings for, a threesome is best with people you have feelings for (as in care about, not necessarily being in love with).

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