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What should I weigh?

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Question - (8 June 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 8 June 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok just wondering here. I'm 17, female and about 5 ft 4 - 5ft 5 ish i'm not to sure which. I'm just wondering do you know what the average weight is for someone of that age and height? Because from being about 14 i was about 9 stone and the doctors always said that was ok. Now when my grandad died just before i was 15 for some reason i dropped down to just betwen 8 stone and 8 and a half stone even though i didn't stop eatting or anything. then i went back up to nearly 9 and stayed there. I was happy at that. Now about a year ago i came of the pill which i had been on since i was 12 due to heavy periods and i've slowly gone from 9 stone to between 9 and 9 and half which was ok but noe i'm between 9 and a half stone and 10. I have always had a big stomach two but most of my family have. But am i over weight? because my stomach does seem to be getting bigger. Any ideas on what i could od to try and loose the weight from round there because that has always put me down.I used to do laods of sit ups a night but i never knew if i was doing them right or not although people had recommended that to me. What really should i weigh?

View related questions: period, the pill

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A male reader, OhLawdWhat DoIDo United Kingdom +, writes (8 June 2008):

OhLawdWhat DoIDo agony auntFirstly, you dont need to go to the doctors to try and find out how much you should weigh. Infact, I can tell you right now! For a girl of height 5ft 4" you should weigh between 8.5 - 10.5 stone to have a normal body mass index (eg. youre healthy!) For a girl of height 5ft 5" you should weigh slightly more but shouldnt worry to much if you end up somewhere outside of these boundaries. Theres always room to try and change your weight and everybody has differently proportioned bodies so I wouldnt worry about it.

If you want to get fitter though then may I highly recommend doing a light jog twice a week for 30mins instead of concentrating on just your abdominals. Its a myth that working one particular area of the body will reduce fat from that area, fat is built up and taken away almost evenly throughout the body where fat is present. Therefore running will reduce more fat all round than abdominal work will, as well as increasing the size of your lungs! Awesome eh?

IF however you do still wish to do abdominal work and want to do it right then watch this video:

(Heres the reference to where I got the figures from for the BMI:

Good luck and remember not to overdo it in the first few weeks! Build it up slowly! :) Hope I explained all that ok!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 June 2008):

There is no way you are overweight, but go along and get checked out at the doctors, have your height and weight checked and they will tell you the correct weight you should be.

take care


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A female reader, GuardianAngel United Kingdom +, writes (8 June 2008):

GuardianAngel agony auntHi there nine and a half stone is not thin and it isn't fat you are the right size I am also 17 female and 5ft 4 and I weigh at least 13 stone but I am not bothered about my weight I have someone that loves me very much. Your tummy might be getting bigger because you could be pregnant have you been having intercourse with anybody if you have then do a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side other than that i think thats all I can help you with.

Yours Sincerely

Guardian Angel

p.s Any more questions you might need answering just email me a message I and I will try my best to HELP!!

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A female reader, DearKiki United Kingdom +, writes (8 June 2008):

DearKiki agony auntEven though I do agree with 'uncle sneaker' when he says that men do like woman with curves, I also think that what men think or like shouldnt really come in to it. You should work to the weight you want to be, and you feel sexy and gorgeous at.

I am 18 and have been skinnier than i am now and have been bigger, but i feel gorgeous at the wight i am now, i still have my curves but i can look at myself in a bikini and feel confident and that is how every girl wants to feel.

If you want to lose a little weight... You do not have to cut out maccy's or your take aways but when you go to maccy's just eat 3/4 of your meal instead and then 2weeks later you can eat half of the meal.

Something else that i find very useful when trying to lose weight is eating a piece of toast about an hour after you wake up and then an hour later eat either another piece of toast or half a sandwich. Two hours later eat another half of that sandwich. Two hours later eat something small again and then two hours later it should be time for tea. For tea you can eat what you want but like i said, cut your normal portion in half or eat 3/4 of it.

By eating regulary, this will speed up your matabolism and also you should never feel majorly hungry which will stop you eating massive amounts at once.

Exercise is something that doesnt really fit in well with a 17year olds life style i know, but when your having a night in, put your music on in your room and just jump and dance around like a nutter haha.

You dont have to change your life to lose weight.

Also if you have a drink when youre out on a saturday etc, try and have vodka and tonic or orange (instead of alcopops or beer etc etc) as it less calories :)

But you have to start looking at your self in the mirror and thinking "yes, i am one sexy hot biatch"

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A male reader, Uncle Sneaker United Kingdom +, writes (8 June 2008):

Uncle Sneaker agony auntNo, you aren't overweight.

You are nicely towards the upper end of the "ideal weight band" for your age and height.

A little extra exercise would probably get rid of the little bit of stomach roundness - it may well be that the muscle you developed there when you used to do sit-ups has now turned to just a bit of extra roundness because you stopped doing them.

Please remember that many, many men like their girls to be a bit rounded. Personally I can't stand women who are all skin, bones, angles and sharp corners. Being a bit cuddly is far more pleasant. Unfortunately I'm very far from being 17 (and attached permanently), otherwise... well, let's just say that you sound perfect!

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