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What kind of girl do guys like best?

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 April 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 15 April 2009)
A female United States age 26-29, *Oy CrAzY;} writes:

Hey y'all! Okay me and my friend have this thing going ondo she told me to ask it on here so guys what kind of girl do u like the best outgoing, funny or shy, quiet? Please answer!;)

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A male reader, GMWolfman United Kingdom +, writes (15 April 2009):

well...erm.... thats a question i dont normally ask but, i like to see a nice answer, I am NOT saying this on apart OF ALL guys! MY perfect lass....


my perfect lass is a girl that does what she wants when she wants but never to cheat on me, i wouldnt pick over looks either, personality is far better, (unless like someone says personality and a joke book in a back pocket) i would think that, the shy ones, are more golden than the convident ones, coz the more convident they are the more likely ya gonna end up heartbroken...i would like one that doesnt lie to me when i ask a personal question whilst dating, i would like one most trustworthy, that its impossible to get a better one :),

SOME GUYS: go after looks rather than personality, opps! sorry guys, but those who have better looks are OFTEN taken anyways! garrrr i know that coz i used to go after looks myself :O

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