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What does it mean when some one said "He has a good way with people"?

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Question - (12 April 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 April 2009)
A female France age 41-50, anonymous writes:

what does it mean when some one said some one has a good way with people. what does that mean

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (12 April 2009):

eyeswideopen agony auntIt's usually a good thing, except for the occassional Ted Bundy.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 April 2009):

It means that a person knows their way around people. They know how to talk to their way through, and get what they want or convince others. It can mean they are charming with others, and persuade others on whatever the objective/ personal goal is. It does not mean they are honest, and could be saying a lot of lies just to make that person feel or sway to their direction. It could just also be that they know how to communicate with people sending clear messages of what is going on, but at the same time not crossing the line.

For a guy who is a smooth talker, if that is what you are talking about, he is a guy who can talk in and out of whatever it is to convince you that his intentions are not bad or something. The thing about a guy who is a smooth talker, is that he needs to be able to match his actions to his words and that is how you can see if he actually means what he says. It is one thing to smoothly say things, but if the actions don't match up to them something is not right.

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A male reader, ArmyMedic United Kingdom +, writes (12 April 2009):

ArmyMedic agony auntHaving a good way with people means, that you know how to talk and interact with other human beings.

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