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We were close friends but now shes a BIG MOUTH spreading my secrets!

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Question - (7 February 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 February 2007)
A female age 30-35, anonymous writes:

the past 2 years ive been friends wih this girl, and since we became closer i told her mostly...everything. but now, shes copying my other friend which is really annoying b/c she is meaner, more annoying, and has become a big mouth.

this past week, she keeps on mentioning my crushes name in front of him, making fun of me for it. and im really mad at her. what should i do?

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A female reader, Jovial South Africa +, writes (7 February 2007):

Jovial agony auntforgive her and scratch her off your list of friends because no one need a friend like that. a friend is someone you connect with in some levels no one understand but only yourself can. a friend need to respect a friend and u will agree with me when i say this one despises you deeply she might be thinking its fun exposing you but what she doesnt realise is that you are her friend and loved her. sometime in life we win some and we loose some and the latter applies to this one.

good luck

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