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We are interested in having a three-some. Any suggestions on finding the girl for it?

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Question - (3 March 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 6 March 2010)
A female India age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for a very long time and are hence looking forward to spicing it up...

he has suggested a 3-some. the problem is finding the 3rd person (a girl obviously) for it.

any suggestions...

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A female reader, mrsjo United States +, writes (6 March 2010):

If you are in full agreement which it sounds like you are, you could post an ad on Craigs list. That way you can look at pictures of the third person, make sure you both like what you see then meet for coffee ONLY, no sex but meet and see if there is any spark.

It may take a bit but you will find the right person.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (3 March 2010):

be carefull. these are very dangerous waters dear. it sounds like maybe he is bored, and wasnt to take the first steps into breaking up with you.

this happened to one of my friends. he was married, but bored, so they brought in another girl, ocasionally at first, but then more often, and within a month, he left his wife and their 2 children for the new girl.

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A male reader, Frank B Kermit Canada +, writes (3 March 2010):

Frank B Kermit agony auntFirst, see if there are any swingers clubs in your area, as they would be the safest place to meet potential partners.

Next, if you are considering asking a friend of yours, I would suggest against it, as you do not know how your friend will react (she might try to ruin your rep in your social circles, or she might try to steal your husband).

It would be best to try to meet a new person who has the same interest.

I did a few interviews with swingers that you can listen to for free at my website and they cover what happens in swingers clubs and what to expect. Some of the interviews are in French too, and some interview are with people in open relationships and who practice BDSM as they also have some advice on how to spice up your relationship.

-Frank Kermit

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