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Torn between love and loyalty...

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 June 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 30 June 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, *TRyan writes:

I have loved a girl for seventeen years now.she just got married on january first and later in january i told her exactly how i feel and for how long. she told me she has felt the same for me for a very long time and that like me she was to afraid to admit it. we both were afraid because we were afraid of destroying the great friendship we have. its like nothing else ive ever seen. she is back in town right now and i dont know if i should finally make a move on the girl that i have loved for so long and whos loved me back. should i take a chance or let another one slip away?

View related questions: her ex, move on

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A male reader, MTRyan United States +, writes (30 June 2008):

MTRyan is verified as being by the original poster of the question

MTRyan agony auntThank you for your advice... i took my own though and i decided. i let her go. shes now gone. and i have a strange feeling im never gonna have this chance again... love comes with hurt and happiness comes with pain. just some advice, don't let love slip away until its to late to hold on to. I wish no one need feel this pain. i hope you all find true happiness... true love.

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A female reader, sympathica14 United States +, writes (29 June 2008):

sympathica14 agony auntThe both of you should talk about things first.You dont want to make a mistake or vs with just talk and see where things go.goodluck

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