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To men: do you ever think of your wives/girlfriends while masturbating to porn? Why would you prefer porn to homemade erotic videos?...

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Question - (21 February 2008) 8 Answers - (Newest, 25 October 2008)
A female Canada age 41-50, *sian tealeaf writes:

well, i was working with a guy who's very tight with me on a lot of subjects, and he later showed me some new porn dvds he had bought the other day... he made a comment about this porn stars parts which he described as" looking very very tight". well, this question is more for the male audiences out there,but females can reply if they have any knowledge about this.. when guys you watch porn, can you visually tell if a girls vagina is supertight?

and if so, how?

by the way it grips the penis, or the way the lips wrap round the shaft? what parts indicate this? and, another question for you men out there is, if a guy makes home porn with his girlfriend, but never seems to watch it when masturbates, why is this?

my buddy gf complains her man always loves to make kinky porn with her, actually in the beginning he was always watchin porn and it hurt her so she suggested why dont they make their own porn and then it wouldn't be so bad for him to wacka doodle doo because its her in the porn not other chics.

she's not ugly by any means, shes 5.3 and 98 pounds. long auburn hair and has a couple kids but looks fantastic!! so now , she knows he never watches their own porn and so everytime they make some video she goes and secretly erases it.

obviously, hes never mentioned it as he never watches it. any ideas guys why he prefers porn not homemade? with his girl?

lastly. what do men think of when they are masturbating to porn? and be honest. i understand theres guy code when involving questions that spill the beans but what do you think of? do you ever think of your goodlooking wife, or gf, while masturbating to porn with some other chics in it, do you ever ever think, oh god, i wish i was with that girl right now, her everything is so this and that? do you ever imagine it's you instead of the porn guy having sex with this chic(s)?

like, just what is going through ur mind anyways when you're alone in the dark and masturbating to some porn?

thx people for ur time...

View related questions: porn, vagina

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A male reader, probie27 United States +, writes (25 October 2008):

I definitely prefer videos of my wife and I to porn. I'm also strange in the fact that I almost always think of my wife when I jerk off. We have sex regularly but now with 4 kids we don't have as much as before. We make a "date" night at least twice a month and most times she lets me pick out her outfit and she picks the places she wants to go. Last week it was pants that accentuated her perfect ass, heels and a shirt that showed plenty of cleavage. I love seeing other guys trying to sneak looks at her while they are with their wives/girlfriends knowing that we are going home to our bed to fuck the shit out of each other! When we got home last week she slipped into nothing but black stockings and a little lacy garter belt. Now that vision will fuel my stroking until we have sex again!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (23 March 2008):

As far as "looking tight" goes... if she's a porn star, she's probably not tight just from the amount that she's been stretched. I don't think that there's a way of telling. I used to be a bikini waxer and i really don't think that you could tell without feeling inside because it's the muscles inside the vagina that would change the tightness.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 February 2008):

It is the act of making the porn movie that is the thrill, not watching it later.

Part of the attraction of porn is that you can easily get a new starlet to oggle or watch her go further then before. A typical starlet will go from posing to lesbian to hardcore to gangbang in a short time, each time having to deliver more to keep the audience intrested.

Homemade porn by a steady couple will not have this essential element of porn, something "new". So there is little point in watching it again, you already seen it.

As for thinking of your partner while watching porn, you are making a simple mistake. Men don't think. Feed us, fuck us or let us sleep. In no particular order of preference. If we did think when masturbating we wouldn't need porn. Simply put if I am thinking of someone I don't need to watch porn and if I am watching porn I do it because I don't want to think.

So what goes through our mind we whe are fapping to some porn? Same thing as the rest of the time, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER. This is the greatest obstacle between women and men, women think constantly about everything, men don't. Women say men think only of sex, wrong. We don't think of anything very much.

Women keep asking us, "what do you think" and can't accept that we don't really think of anything at all.

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A male reader, Sandman United States +, writes (22 February 2008):

Sandman agony auntI don't know what really makes me believe one vagina is tighter than the other just by looking at it? I guess when watching porn, the way the vagina grips the shaft would be one way. I don't know.

But to answer your other question. When masturbating, I used to think about my wife. I don't think about her anymore as we're getting divorced. But I would think about our last sexual encounter together and have a go. So that's what I thought about...

Hope this helps.

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A male reader, Collaroy Australia +, writes (21 February 2008):

Collaroy agony auntHi,

well for the first question. I guess as a guy if a women has a small vagina then we assume she is tight. Some girls in porn videos open up very wide so you assume she is not tight. But the best indicator I guess is how smoothly the guys dick slides in and out of her pussy. Porn stars usually are well equipped and some videos you see the girl takes only about half while other girls take a 12 incher like its a pencil. But if a girls pussy is tight or not is irrelevant, it's just a fantasy of his to have a tight pussy ( good luck there buddy keep searching! )whereas most guys don't care (tight pussies are uncomfortable you get bruising on your dick, and you can't do nearly as many positions).

As for the guy who would rather look at internet porn than the porn he made with his partner. To me its a bit of a no brainer, the porn he made with his partner would be in his mind to look at with his partner - internet porn is a different girl and a different fantasy every time.

And finally, as for what men think of when they masturbate. I ask any girl who asks this question "what do you think about when you masturbate" and be honest, is it always your partner? If not, then why is it important he thinks of his partner when masturbating but she can be in bed with Brad Pitt when she is.

but I will admit, I am probably one of the few men who actually thinks of his wife when masturbating, not all the time ( especially if I've seen a nice looking toosh on the bus )but more often than not. I've been married for 10 years, and my partner is still hot , so its easy for my girl to make an appearance in my twisted fantasy world.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 February 2008):

just personnally i dont watch porn or homemade erotic movies so i wouldnt know, sorry i couldn't be of more help because my only point of view is THIS: when i get a gf i would only want to think about her and no one else


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (21 February 2008):

I do not see why so many women worry about these things - I mean does it really matter? Everyone has fantasies - how many times have you heard your girlfriends dreaming or fantasising about the likes of Bratt Pitt etc? And if anything I think women do it more openly than men! I mean we may harp on to our guys about Oh how hot is Bratt Pitt or Johnny Depp or whoever....but most guys would not DARE do the same or go on and on for a similar female celeb.

Personally as a woman when I look at porn I am turned on by the ACT not necessarily the person. I am not thinking "Oh I want to do this to him or her or whatever" but it is what they are doing that turns me on and what I may think about - ie the sexual act itself. I suspect it may be similar for men as well.

But surely women are just as guilty as men? I dont see why girls give guys such a hard time about porn etc or worry themselves about these things - we are sexual creatures and would be aroused by many different things. It is natural and human instinct. I know for a fact many women fantasise when they masturbate etc - so it is the same as if a guy is doing it.

I dont think the guy is comparing you to the women in the porn - people are turned on visually; thats all it is. He isnt thinking - wow she has a better body or wow I would prefer to be with her. I truly dont think it works like that.

Anyway girls I think you should have more self confidence and not worry about these things.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 February 2008):

Good question. God, I'd love to know. Please, help us out here! I hate the thought of my bf wanting to be with the girls in the video.. I just don't see how people can put up with their partner watching porn, you know. It might seem irrational, but it's disloyal and unnecessary. People these days are all about how much sex they can get, and how many girls they can have sex with in one night, and hey! I'm not judging them or saying I'm against sex. I love it. But when it comes to porn, it's going over the top. We should try and be happy with what we have, and even sexual fantasies, but when people disrespect themselves so much on the internet.. Eee lol :]

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