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There's no point in us being together, right?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 January 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 17 January 2011)
A female New Zealand age 30-35, *yeshakane writes:

hey i have been with this guy for 4 months a month ago he went away to his parents.Another town.ever since he went there he hardly texts me, never answers my calls and whenever i ask why dont you answer my calls his usually reply is "im with some mate".He goes out clubbing and partying almost i dont really know if i wanna be with him.i mean basically theres no point in us being together right??? its like im wasting my time on after all his actions should i let go or stay????

View related questions: clubbing, text

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A female reader, Abella United States +, writes (17 January 2011):

Abella agony aunthe is callously putting you to one side. No explanation. It's a cruel and gut-wrenching way to treat you.

Sadly he has broken up. Look at his actions. He's just not bothering to officially break up, just to keep his options open, in case he finds he's visiting your vicinity.

Put this short relationship in the category of going going gooooonne.

He's proved he's a rotten egg and you are better off without him.

No matter how good he seemed at the start he's proved to be selfish. Lacking in empathy.

Use this as a lesson in guy behavior.

Always judge a guy by his actions= actions tell you the character of the man

And foreshadow his intentions

Never judge a man by his words= words are easy to utter, but may mean very little. And the words may be forgotten. If the man lacks character then his false words are only pacifiers to keep you satisfied and quiet.

I am sorry that he is putting you through this. But once your grief subsides, keep your eyes and ears open. Don't be in a hurry. There is a better man out there, waiting to see you and treat you to love, affection, and be constant, reliable and respectful. My best wishes to you

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A female reader, heidos Australia +, writes (17 January 2011):

heidos agony auntHey babe - let him go! he isn't being receptive or respectful to you at all and has been a coward in dealing with it this way...unfortunately I think if you try and stay with him you will be wasting your time. Think of how much better treated and better respected you would be without him! Its only going to cause you pain down the track if you choose to stay and struggle with this.

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