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The more sexy the woman the more likely she filters for sucessful men?

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 April 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 14 April 2011)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

For women. The more attractive the woman, the more likely she filters for successful men? Or does it just turn out that those men just happen to be more (or become more) successful than average?

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (14 April 2011):

CindyCares agony aunt I think it's simply that a very attractive woman has a much wider choice of available men, than an average woman- so she can pick someone whom she likes AND is also a successful man.

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A male reader, shawncaff United States +, writes (14 April 2011):

shawncaff agony auntIt's a good question. My inclination is to say yes, that generally--in Westernized, capitalistic, secular society--the more attractive the woman the more she will look for a successful man, since the successful man is defined by that society as the "best", and success is equated with happiness.

In other societies, however, this might not be the case. In traditional religious societies, the most beautiful girl might be given to the most learned or the most devout. In Hollywood or in the fashion world, the most beautiful woman might go for the most handsome man--not necessarily the most successful.

At any rate, the more beautiful the girl, the more in demand she is, and thus she has her pick of whatever her particular society deems as the most worthy.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 April 2011):

No... I don't think there's a correlation between a woman's attractiveness and how she filters men.

There maybe a correllation between a woman's personal ambition and how she filters men.

There are also women who are happy to support a man in his ambitions and help them's not like women have a sixth sense for successful men...but alot of women can see potential in their partners and don't mind encouraging them and sacrificing for their success.

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (14 April 2011):

TasteofIndia agony auntI don't know, I suspect there are all kinds of variables involved here. I would guess that some successful men feel entitled to an attractive women. Some attractive women look for men like that, because they feel they are worth an successful partner. A few beautiful women are gold diggers and are willing to exchange being a trophy wife for access to a comfortable lifestyle. And sometimes, love is love and it just happens. Sometimes an attractive woman falls in love with a guy who becomes successful. The success is just a lovely bonus.

Definitely depends on the people involved and their priorities in a partner. At least, that's what I would think!

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