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Taking The Initiative With A Woman

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 April 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2011)
A male Canada age 41-50, anonymous writes:

There's a woman I like and we have gone out together a couple of times. I make a point of keeping in touch with this woman through e-mail and phone calls. She seems responsive to me and even encourages me to stay in touch, and she seems happy to meet and go out.

However, I find that I am always the person who has to initiate everything. I am always the person to contact her, suggest we go out, and so forth. Sometimes I wish she would take the initiative and contact me or suggest we meet up. I often think it would be a "sign" that she really likes me if she would take the initiative and make contact.

However, I continue to be the one who reaches out to her and it makes me feel that maybe she is not as interested in me as I am in her. I guess I am confused as to whether this woman just likes me to take the initiative, or if she doesn't really like me at all.

Am I wasting my time?

Confused in Toronto.

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (20 April 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntWell you say that she responds well so that is a great sign. Alot of women lack the confidence in contacting a man first in case they drive him away. So it could just be a case that she doesnt like taking the first step. Unfortunately though she is not showing you that she is interested and I bet she hasnt even thought about it. Why dont you talk to her the next time you meet up and ask her where you stand. Goodluck.

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