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So confused about our situation, finding it hard to read if he does have feelings for me!?

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Question - (9 May 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 9 May 2007)
A female age 36-40, anonymous writes:

im totally confused about if this guy has any feelings for me. we are not in a relationship, we are very close friends. but that can also be questioned, coz when i first met this guy i was interested in him and i thought he was too, and thats why we kept in contact, esp after he asked me out. i feel committed to him.

i have posted a question on here before and have had mixed responese. some have said that he does have feelings for me and some have said he lives a double life. (

i recently called him for some advise about a friend of mine (he is a lawyer and im training to be a lawyer). he told me what i should do. it concerned that my friends husband wanted to take their daughter and put her in boarding school in a different country and the mother was against it. i had an idea of the advise i should give, but called him to confirm as he recently worked in a family department.

i rang him later in the evening, and he said that the mother should contact a lawyer asap. i told him that i have told them that but cant force them (i was already stressed out and i took it out on him. for the first time ever i spoke to him rudely and angrily). he then said to me that "i know sweetie...take my bosses number and let me know if they are going to use him and he will contact his boss and tell him of the situation" (the guy no longer works there, he now works in a different city. he moved about 3weeks ago now. this was the first time we spoke since he moved

then the next morning, the guy texts me saying "...let me know if everything is ok.x" i dont know if it was because he was concerned about my friend or because i was really stressed out and shouted at him the nite before. i txted him back saying that i dnt know anything else apart from what i told u.

was he really concerned coz of the way i spoke to him. or was it because of my friend. i did tell him that if they choose to use a lawyer i would tell him. but when he texted me it was still really fact i was still asleep. maybe he was concerned and didnt want any bad feelings between us. i know his a nice guy and really cares about me...once on fone to him and had to end the call many times coz i was getting told off by my mum (nothing serious), i then txted later in evening to say sorry for cutting him off, and he texted back asking if i was ok. i have been there for him many times too. when he was job hunting, when his dad had a cancer scare.

i dont know what to do...i wil call him, but do i say sorry to him for speaking to him like that...but what he was talking about my friend and not us...i dont know...i dnt want any bad feelings between us.

as you will see i have copied links to my story so far that might help...any advise big ot small would ne great. thanks XX

View related questions: friend's husband, my boss, text

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A female reader, aunty jane United Kingdom +, writes (9 May 2007):

aunty jane agony aunt yes definatley phone him to appologise for the way you spoke to him, from what you say it sounds as if he is concerned for you but in a friendly way

to find out for definate why not phone him and say "i have a friend and she doesnt know if this boy likes her...etc" and tell your story as if you were the friend and ask for his advice as what to do....this should let you know weather he likes you or fancies you

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