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Should I try to meet a man

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 September 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 27 September 2006)
A female Spain, *strid writes:

I had a a very good friend, she was a girl like me, she was dropped by her boy so I introduced her to my circle of friends, two of them wanted to have a relationship with her and she started to date them both at the same time but never wanted to commit to any or even get off, all of a sudden both guys became a bit nasty and unkind to me, I did as if I did not notice but her behaviour towards me was not very polite either, she started some gossip about ridiculous thing about my ex and a friend who was after me-and got upset as I didn't feel atracted to him- The mentioned girl tried some fights in the group throgh gossip and idiot lies, finally she gave up and dissapeared now both guys want to go out with me and personally I don't feel like it one of them phone me to criticise the rest of my friends and I personally dislike it, I have a best friend who is a girl but she's cancer and is under treatment, I try to concentrate on working, going to the gym and relax while trying to help my ill friend, I tried to go out with a boy but it didn't work as I was studying and working at the same time and he wanted to have sex before meeting each other better... I feel not very quiet sometime but when with my family or doing things i now I should organise my love life I just want to feel ok and go on I think I am getting it though I cannot forget the restless feeling that the mentioned situation meant for me. Do you think I should try to meet a man, new people, wait....


View related questions: best friend, my ex

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 September 2006):

Hey you've got so much goin on in your love with work, trying to help your ill friend that you are after forgetting to have some time for yourself!!! You need some "ME TIME" too and no one would say anything to you!! As for these so called friends - if they are criticising your friends behind their backs who's to say they are not doing the same about you? Go out meet new people, friends and maybe even love... Join a sports team/new gym or something different to those of of your friends.... But most important - please make time for yourself, even if it is only a girlie nite in with your fave girlie movies, having a facial/painting your nails etc.... Its great and it helps you relax too...

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