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Should I try to get my bestfriend back? Or is it too late?

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 January 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 5 January 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok so about a year ago my best friend of four years mum died suddenly of a blood clot in her leg that travelled to her lung. I was with her through it all i went with her to see her mum in her coffin and say goodbye even though i really didnt want to and i helped her with her poem and even stood up on stage with her while she read it. i really tried to comfort her as much as i could but all of a sudden it was like she didnt want me as a friend anymore.. If i was talking to her she would just walk away like i wasnt there or she would turn her back on me and try to close me out of the circle of people talking.. I really dont know what i have done so wrong. When i confronted her she said that i was just jealous and didnt want her to have any friends but thats not true i just didnt want to be left out. Before that she started having little digs at me like saying my forehead is buldgy and calling me manly and stuff she even tried to push my eyes into my head once but said it was a joke.. she just turned really strange. She started hanging out with girls about 3 years younger than us and one of them have taken my place she calls her my nickname and does the stuff we made up and used to do together with her instead. I cant help missing her though. She sends me texts to say she misses me but whenever i arrange to meet up she has an excuse like "oh i have to go home to my new puppy :(" I wish we could be friends again because i have never had such a good friend but i dont know how to deal with it and i dont know if she wants to be friends with my anymore seeing as shes found a replacement.. please help me i dont know if i should try to be friends with her again or if she will just act the same and have digs at me again but i just feel so lonely without her..

View related questions: best friend, jealous, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 January 2010):

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Thanks for the help even though only one person replied.. lol I will try again to talk to her and be friends but if i feel like shes being really mean again im just going to give up.. thanks xx

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