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Should I give up? Or give it time?

Tagged as: Cheating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 December 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 5 December 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

So there is this boy and he has a girlfriend, and we hooked up one night. And he is always smiling at me, and he told me he likes me, but he's still with her. And, she found out about us, and him cheating.. and she took him back again. And we hooked up again, he changed my name in his phone book, and deleted me from facebook, all from her request. Should I give up or give it time?

View related questions: facebook, has a girlfriend

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2010):

Stop interfering in his relationship and stop encouraging him to be unfaithful. How would you like it if someone did that to you?

Actually, if he was with you, he would do the same.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 December 2010):

I would distance yourself from him as much as possible. He's with her whether you like it or not.

I personaly think this "girlfriend" is an idiot for taking him back but she'll realise in the end.

Why would you want to be with a cheat and a liar? If he wanted more with you he would dump this girlfriend.

Just think, if he's willing to cheat on her he'd do the same to you.

I would concentrate on getting on wiith your life and not waiting around for a loser like that.

You deserve better than to be hanging around, waiting for his girlfriends left overs.

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A female reader, TheHuggleBear United Kingdom +, writes (4 December 2010):

TheHuggleBear agony auntIf he's anywhere near good enough for you; and if he really wants you, he'll break up with her. If I was you; I wouldn't risk the reputation of hooking up with him again; a lot of girls could feel threatened by you, and a lot of boys could think you're easy.

If I'm honest, I think you should meet up with him; and ask him honestly whats going to happen with the two of you; and if he says that he's not going to break up with his girlfriend then give up. If he's willing to cheat on his girlfriend on a regular basis he doesnt seem like the type of guy you want in a relationship.

Also, I think his girlfriend is a bit silly to take him back after that.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 December 2010):

reali my dear i tink dis is a lost cause, as painful as it could sound, if he has a girfriend and is still seein u, yah he is attractd 2 u bt if he wudnt tell his girlfriend or leave her den wat mks u so sure dat even if u guys r 2gether he wont be hittin on anoda girl, its a hard truth 2 accept

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A female reader, Mjfbla United States +, writes (4 December 2010):

Mjfbla agony auntWell it sounds like he is just using u. So give up. If he rily liked you hed be with u. but hes not

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A male reader, Cerberus_Raphael Sweden +, writes (4 December 2010):

Cerberus_Raphael agony auntRespect the fact that he is in a relationship with someone. For now, just cut off all contact with him. If he wants to be with you, he has to leave his girlfriend. What you are doing is enabling him to cheat on his girlfriend because you are there. Stop hooking up with him.

I hope that helps.

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