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Should I give up finally on him? Heartbreak!

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Question - (31 October 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 31 October 2008)
A female age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I have feelings for a guy who I met when he was doing duty assignment here in MI a year ago. He never knew I liked him when I met him although he was very friendly, the flirty type. I fell in love with him but couldn't told him or showed him b/c he had to leave to home a week after that.

I contacted him by email a month later and been in touch since by email.

He left for a 4 month assignment and yet still in touch. He arrived last week. He send me a Hi note which I replied, but I decided to call him today to see he's doing. He was very thankful. I couldn't just tell him how I felt about him mainly b/c he said some things that I don't know what to think about them.

He said it is so nice to hear a voice of a friend from back then, that he was happy to hear from me. That we would try to keep up with his emails more often b/c of busy busy stuff.

I feel like a bit of a heartbreak since I love him but couldn't been able to say more about my feelings. I think if he felt something else he would have said it right? Should I finally give up on him or just leave him as an acquaintance?

View related questions: fell in love, flirt

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A female reader, tanpopo United States +, writes (31 October 2008):

tanpopo agony auntthere are two ways you can look at this.

you need to tell him how you feel- because he may not get it.

and also, even if he did feel something, who says he would say anything? he might be thinking the same thing you are- that you just can't say anything because you're too nervous.

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A female reader, ~little~lady~ United Kingdom +, writes (31 October 2008):


So you say that you think if he feels anything for you he would have said by now! But you haven't said anything so maybe he's a little bit scared just like you.

But i say bite the bullet and tell him how you feel, what's the worse that cam happen he tell you he don't feel the same! But if he don't least then you can move on from him, it might hurt if he says he don't feel the same but time's a healer. And you're already hurting not knowing how he truly feels!

Soon as you know how he feels then you can either move on and have a relationship or move on and be friends if that's not to hard for you.

Hope it goes well and remember honesty is the best policy.

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