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Should I break things off? Or just let things end on their own?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Faded love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 February 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 8 February 2009)
A female age 36-40, anonymous writes:

So over the summer I met this guy, and we spent a lot of time together, and talked about trying a serious relationship. I had to leave to go back to school, and we've been talking through phone and email. And we were going to try to get back together next summer, and start a relationship then. He came to visit me once, and I visited him a couple weeks ago. Well, he hasn't been emailing me or calling me like he used to, and I don't think the last visit went well. Basically, he treats me disrespectfully, and for various reasons, I would like to end this.

I'm not sure he knows I'm feeling this way, he's just kind of inconsiderate. I really don't know how he feels at the moment. I've been acting like everything's fine.

So how should I go about this? Chances are it will go away on its own without considerable effort on both our parts to keep in contact and move to be with each other next summer, so should I just let it fade? Or should I say something? I'm not sure I can, I'm a big coward. But I also don't want him to waste his time on me, although I'm fairly certain he is sleeping with other people at the moment anyway.

View related questions: get back together

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A male reader, MyDestiny United States +, writes (8 February 2009):

MyDestiny agony aunt then if you feel this way..then why do are you wasting your time beying unhappy

if your not happy... BREAK IT OFF...

gudd luck

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