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Seems like were already going out, but should I go for her?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 April 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 1 April 2009)
A male Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

so there's this girl... and shes really sweet and just perfect in my eyes and we've both started talking last year and now we talk alot

but the problem is i have feelings for her and not sure about her... we talk about our love lives and who likes who blah blah and she brings up guys that ask her out and she puts herself down saying shes so uglyyy and stuff (shes realy not lol) and i just tell her that i hate when girls say that when they look cute and beautiful and then she gave me a hug and said awwh your so cute and we both laughed

and i think she thinks of us stricly as friends but im not sure if i should take the initiative to take it further.... i think she might like somebody else but should i take the risk?

we talk everyday and invite each other to chill at our houses just seems like were already going out but not officially so should i go for her?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 April 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

true but what about the other guy? after we have the literacy test tomrow everyones going to this buffet and were both going and im gonna try to walk her home anddd thats my cue. hopefully things will go well D:

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A male reader, MetalMan United Kingdom +, writes (1 April 2009):

MetalMan agony auntYES! go for it, when girls say there ugly thats your cue to insist that she's not. Anyz if you really want to go out with her then go for it!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 April 2009):

yes because if she finds some 1 else you will regret not telling her!at the end of the day if u dont make a move now u neva will!she can only say no!!!

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