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Seeing a guy in an open marriage, why is he telling other guys to get lost?

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Question - (17 July 2011) 6 Answers - (Newest, 5 August 2011)
A female Canada age , *urly writes:

I'm in a relationship with a guy from an open marriage. We were out the other night at the bars with our friends and there was a guy talking to me. I am single so that's okay. The guy from the open marriage told him I wasn't interested and to get lost. He told me he didn't like the looks of his other friend. Why did he do this?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (5 August 2011):

It doesn't matter why he did it because it's not going to change your status as the other woman but maybe it makes you feel better while you are wasting your time to look for hidden signs from him that he cares.

It makes no difference if the marriage is open or not either. The only thing to read into is how even though you are single, you are off the market to men who could be available to you who may want to marry you one day and the open marriage man is happy to drive those men away but won't ever claim you as his own. I'm sure analysing his behaviour is a great distraction from that uneasy truth.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 July 2011):

You know, any guy would look shady to him, even the pope himself. This guy seems to like the freedom to do as him pleases, but doesn't want, anyone messing around with his mistress.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 July 2011):

If you're secretly hoping that your married lover wants you all to himself and is thinking of leaving his partner for you, then don't hold your breath.

The most likely answer is that he doesn't appreciate other men hitting on a woman he's on a date with. If I'm single and dating the man I'm out with knows this, but I'm not setting up future dates with other men right in front of him. That would be rude.

Another possibility is that he does want you all to himself. The caveat is that you won't have him all to yourself. Just be careful you don't fall into the trap other women haven fallen into; taking it upon themselves to be exclusive to a man in hopes that he will do the same. You'll be in for a rude awakening.

Do yourself a favour and don't start analyzing everything he says and does searching for some hidden meaning. You're a single woman and he's with someone else.

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (18 July 2011):

Tisha-1 agony auntVintage64 asked the pertinent question. Are you single or are you committed to the other guy?

You'd really have to ask the guy in question. We can make all kinds of guesses but the open marriage guy knows why he did what he did.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 July 2011):

I agree that you seem to be confused about whether you are in a relationship with him or you're single. I suppose since it's open you are open to dating others also. He either did this because he is being typically male territorial about what he sees as "his", you, or he was maybe genuinely concerned about the quality of the men who approached you. A word of warning here, he may be lying about his marriage being open. Make sure you get all of the facts before you get in deep here, don't take his word alone, speak with his wife.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 July 2011):

I just wondered, which are you in a relationship or single?

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