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Roleplaying and whats "normal"?

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Question - (8 July 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 9 July 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok. I have to ask this. if anyone roleplays what roles are normal? I know that I always have a boyfriends that are few years older then me. I always have called them daddy when we roleplay is that horrible???

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 July 2009):

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Well I know he loves it. But would that be incest roleplaying?

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A female reader, QuirkLady United States +, writes (8 July 2009):

QuirkLady agony auntI think this is something you have to discuss with your partners. Only the person you're role playing with can say what he finds okay and normal.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 July 2009):

Hmm... as an older man I'd feel very uncomfortable with that.

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