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Problems with self image, how can I enjoy my boyfriend?

Tagged as: Health, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 October 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 23 January 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I have a problem. I am really self concious about my body. I have a problem with eating and I overexercise and have some unhealthy habits. I don't do anything extreme, and I manage and hide them well, but I still am not satisfied with how I look. I'm not fat or anything really, but I just don't like my legs or build. My boyfriend likes it, and constantly tells me he thinks I'm pretty, but I just don't see it. The other day he asked to see me naked, and I told him I would think about it. I don't have a problem with letting him see me really, because we've been together almost a year and a half and he has been nothing but honest and good to me, but I'm just so insecure. He's never seen me naked, just peeked in my clothes and stuff when we're fooling around. What should I do? How can I overcome my self-conciousness and enjoy my boyfriend?

Also, are there any um...less costly ways of lightening and waxing genital areas?

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A female reader, Felina Portugal +, writes (23 January 2009):

Felina agony auntHi there! Well, I believe you must feel good with yourself to be able to have a balance love relationship with your bf. I think a person really has to love herself first, then she´s able to love others.

I think you need to take a day to change your image. Why not change your hair and buy sexy lingerie? Maybe new clothes? Then have a massage or something.

I love myself and find myself beautiful, however I thing my legs are a bit fat, and my breasts are too small. All women feel their body could be a little different...Some want a smaller ass, others a bigger one, others don´t like their tummy.... But I think we must be able to love ourselves, despite some details we´d like to change.

Don´t forget we only live once, so be happy. Love yourself the way you are. Some exercise is good, and eating healthy too.

Oh, and I think going to a professional clinic is the best way to wax genital areas. They use a product to turn your skin lighter. I would like to do that too.

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