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My partner doesn't want my friends around for weeks after the baby comes.

Tagged as: Friends, Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 March 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 March 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *ayla20 writes:

im due to give birth soon my partner is taking two weeks off when baby comes to spend time with me and baby and help out with my other son but has told me for the first couple of weeks he doesnt want any visitors as we need to get into a routine and so does my other child and because my partner has two weeks off he wants to spend all his time as a family rather than showing off his baby to my friends which i can understand but i dont want my friends calling me up and asking why they cant come round to see the baby just for 10 mins or so and me having to tell them the reason is because of my partner as i dont want them to think he is controlling and not like him.what is the best thing to do i mean im going to want some company maybe not for long but i will want to see my friends to show off the new baby and i dont want any conflict and be put in a position where i annoy my partner or my friends what do i do?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 March 2010):

its only 2 weeks - not forever - if your friends ask, then say you guys as a family need space to adjust to the baby and in a couple of weeks will be willing to do the whole "show and tell" thing. I would not under any situation tell your friends the reason behind why you can't show everyone asap is because of your partner, they will like you say think "controlling" but he is justified in his desire for having two weeks for family only. Thus stand together and say you both want your space - if true friends, they will honour your decision.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 March 2010):

Personally I think you should have at least one day to show your child of when he's newborn..

I can see where you partner is coming from too tho!

Maybe you should arrange a time when your partner can spend some quality time with your other son & you can go show your newborn off to your friends!

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (10 March 2010):

Just say to your friends that at this time you and your boyfriend are spending time together in the baby. Believe me when I say that in some ways your boyfriend is doing you a favour. I suspect your boyfriend is worried that your friends will come around and take over while he will be pushed to the back of the line and end up wasting his 2 weeks. The last thing you need is a disenchanted, hen pecked man in your house at a time like this. Because if he doesn't get to bond now, later on when it comes to fathering, he will suddenly be a little less bothered. It's worth telling him that for the 2 weeks he is off, you won't have anyone around. But after that, you will have to for your own sake.

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