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My parents can never know I'm dating this man because I'm supposed to be a virgin but I'm not!

Tagged as: Family, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 February 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 February 2011)
A female Lebanon age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hello, well ill tell u in brief my story, im 20 years old dating my brother's friend wich is 1 and a half yar younger then one knows except y closest friends because i have my parents might have a problem with the age issue and being my brother's friend is also akward, we've been together since 10 months. i love him and he loves me. he is sweet, gentle,loving, caring and perfect to me. one month ago i decided to give him my virginity. My parents can never know that because we live in a society where not being a virgin before marriage is wrong! i love him a lot but im always worried about my parents finding out about evrything. and i also dont know where are we going with this realtion but as long as there is love i have hope... so what do you think ?!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 February 2011):

Thank u for ur replies. What i would like to add is that i really thought before loosing my virginity to him. I love my parents and i respect them but im old enough to make my pwn decision. And the thing about my brother finding out tht we're dating is very far because he thinks tht we are best friends...

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A female reader, Misscarolinelou United Kingdom +, writes (4 February 2011):

Misscarolinelou agony auntThis must be a very diffulcult situation for you but your older enough to make your own decisions losing your vinginity was a silly thing to do without thinking about it. Do you think its possible to move away ? If you dont tell your parents your brother is highly likely to find out and tell them himself please rethink thid guy could get in trouble with this discuss this with him aswell

good luck

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A female reader, meldana United States +, writes (4 February 2011):

Ok, first off use birth control whenever available. As long as you are protected no one needs to know what your sex life is or whether or not you are a virgin. (Usually there is only one way to check but even that isn't fool proof) Second, Age doesn't matter. I am 3 years elder in this relationship involving my brother's friend as well. If you really love this person things will work through.

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