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My love won't even hold my hand!

Tagged as: Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 January 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 18 January 2011)
A female Philippines age 30-35, *aria rubi writes:

Hi to everyone! my agony is somewhat simple

here it is:

I had past love that was very painful to me because I give everything I can give, love care and everything that makes him happy and so we break for a reason, and after 1 month of break then many guys offered me love,then 1 guy is admirable and very in-love with me, he's very serious so I agree to have relationship with him, actually before I am very very sweet and showy to what I feel, and with this guy I can't even touch his hands, I do like him his handsome, smart and independent everything is in him, but deep inside me I don't know why I can't show my feelings, but I am excited to be with him and that is why he is shy of showing his feelings to me, he doesn't even touch my hands even though he has the right. What shall I do shall I continue this or what?

Thanks for answering..

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A male reader, dirtball United States +, writes (18 January 2011):

dirtball agony auntIf you know he really likes you, then he'll just have to get comfortable with the idea. Try in private first and maybe take the hand holding public once he is more comfortable with it. It's good that he's not ripping your clothes off, that shows respect, but if he never touches you, that's not much of a relationship either.

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