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My girlfriend keeps saying she's ugly (she's not), it's getting very annoying, how to get her to stop?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 December 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 14 December 2008)
A age 30-35, * writes:

My girlfriend keeps saying she's ugly as hell or compares herself to her friends. I do tell shes beautiful but she's saying im lying to her. Its getting annoying. Im temptated to agree with her so she'll shup up about it. How I can get her to stop?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2008):

She has self esteem issues related to her looks. Even very beautiful women can think this way. It's like an anorexic looking into the mirror and thinking she's fat, when in reality she's too thin. No matter what you say it probably won't help, because she thinks you love her no matter what she looks like. I know it's aggravating to you, but she probably needs some counseling in order to get over this. Try to be patient, and DON'T agree with her, as this will only make the situation worse. Emphasize that even though you do think she's beautiful, outer beauty is only a small part of what makes a person attractive. Inner beauty, personality, morals, values and how you treat others is so much more important than how a person looks.

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A male reader, thebaystud22 United States +, writes (14 December 2008):

You grab a hold of her, I'm talking like grab a hold. Bring her so close that you are almost kissing. Look her dead straight in the eyes and tell her how beautiful you think she is and that your opinion is the only one that matters

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