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My girlfriend is mad at me all the time, How can I prove that I am sincere!?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 29 March 2007)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

me and my girlfriend have been dateing for a month and 20 days and all of a sudden shes mad and i ask and it takes her a while for her to finaly tell me and she said that she is sick of trying to figure out when im being honest when i tell her that i cant live with out her and that i love her and stuff and she dosnt know if she can get close to me cause i have told old girlfriends same things but i cant get it to her that its different cause when i say it i really mean it and what i say to her that i said to others is alot different and alot meaning ful to her cause i have never felt this way with anyone before. so how do i get it though to her that what i tell her is the honest to god truth and its not like what ive told the others. what i can say plz help.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 March 2007):

maybe try other ways to express how you love her. Romantic gestures like delivering her flowers or an unexpected gift to show that you do really care for her. Or maybe even plan out a nice date and make her feel special. Right now it sounds to me as if she feels she is no different to any other girlfriends you've had and so by actually taking that extra step in not just telling her that you love her, but showing it to her could make her feel more special and cared for.

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A female reader, Lady tinks United Kingdom +, writes (29 March 2007):

Lady tinks agony auntIf your feeling are genuine then explain to her although yes, you said it in previous relationships, it doesn't mean you have less feelings for her than the others, in fact its more. all the best sweety x x

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