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My fantasies make me think I'm bi-curious. What should I do?

Tagged as: Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 March 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 6 March 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

How come that whenever my man is peforming oral sex on me I fantasize about women? I can only ever achieve an orgasm at the thought of having sex with woman. I don't think I'm gay, but I'm very bi-curious. What should I do?

View related questions: oral sex, orgasm

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A female reader, willywombat United Kingdom +, writes (6 March 2006):

willywombat agony auntThis is a fantasy. I fantasize about being *taken* roughly and against my will. But I would NOT want to be raped.

Its in your head and it helps you orgasm then just lie back and go with the flow...x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 March 2006):

I dont think it necessarily means anything. I tend to fantasise about being a man and having a woman do things to me but it no way means I want to be a man or want to be with a woman. The mind is a weird thing. Just relax, if it's going on in your head and not causing any problems then just go with it. It's just a scenario which turns you on. Of course, if you think you would like to try it with a woman then go ahead. You only live once and shouldnt beat yourself up about trying new things.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 March 2006):

Think about trying it with a woman..I can tell you that being with a woman is very wonderful...I use to date men but now i am totally with a woman... Try it you may like it..

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