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My boyffriend's dad is breaking us up! Are we still together or not?

Tagged as: Age differences, Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 September 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 6 October 2009)
A female United States age 26-29, *eacelovecandy writes:

I know I just had a question exactly a month ago about another guy. Well, his friend had the same problem as me with breaking up at the same time I did. I asked him for advice, since he seemed to know what he was doing to get over his ex-girlfriend. We started talking, I'd call him every other day... then every day... and finally he took me to the mall and we hung out. We started going out that day - four days after my ex broke up with me.

This guy is amazing. I care about him so much, and he cares about me... Well. I met his dad the day after we started going out, and his dad was ECSTATIC about me. He LOVED me. He would post things EVERY DAY on my boyfriend's blog saying how he was so proud of him to have gotten such a young, clean, pretty, smart young lady. My boyfriend lied to his dad, telling him I was 15. I'm a year younger than that. His dad had a problem with age before because of a mistake he made in the past that caused him to be in jail for six years. He found out I was 14, was a little disappointed in his son, but got over it.

He called my dad. Somehow he got his number, and called him. I live with my mom and her boyfriend. Anyway, he told him how happy he was that we were dating and my dad met my boyfriend, and he absolutely loved him. Now, almost a month later... his dad pressures my boyfriend into breaking up with me. My boyfriend will be turning 18 in three months, and I'll be 15 in about a month and a half. A three year difference. Big deal. Anyway, his dad is extremely strict. My boyfriend acted as if it were him that was worried about the age. My dad called up my boyfriend's house asking for his dad, but he talked to him instead. My boyfriend spilled to my dad, telling him how his dad would not stop pushing him to break up with me and how it was stressing him out so much.

I don't know if we are still together or not. I don't know how to fix this. I found out a month ago that I was indeed bipolar as my parents always thought. I rely on boyfriends to make me happy, so when they aren't in the picture, I'm a miserable mess. I don't know what to do, I care about him so much but his dad is tearing us apart... I mean, what kind of father controls his 18-year-old son's choice in girlfriends? Shouldn't that be something an adult would be allowed to pick on his own? My parents even gave early consent that I could date him when he turned 18.

The bad part about all of this is, since I'm bipolar, this really hits me hard. I flunked a history test yesterday, got an 80 in gym class for leaving my gym clothes at him, and got three zero's in english for not doing my homework.

What hurts the most is when I think about the things we did together. He has a car, so everytime he'd take me somewhere I'd plug my iPod in and we'd blast the music that we both loved and we'd sing and dance and we'd have so much fun. Even just sitting in the car talking about life with him, I had such a great time. I was so happy with him, that when he dropped me off from hanging out every time, I'd go home and cry because I'd be so amazed at how great he was.

As much as this sounds like the other ex, that kid cheated on me. This guy wouldn't think twice about even hanging out with another girl. He was so faithful. It sounds like I fall for people too fast, which I admit I do, but he means a lot to me and I don't know how to cope. I try... but it's just hard. I have no one to talk to. :(

View related questions: broke up, cheated on me, ex girlfriend, his ex, in jail, my ex

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A female reader, CheerleaderXx United States +, writes (6 October 2009):

I know how this is I do.

It sucks more than anything when you know the one person you want to be with more than anything wants the samething but just because of parents can't.

The thing to do though is talk to him.

If he cares about you as much as he says he does age won't matter and neither will what his dad says.

He's 18 and old enough to make his own decisions without daddy running to the rescue.

Follow your heart.

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