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Love, am I in love? Are we in love?

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Question - (12 October 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 October 2007)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

How do you know when you're in love?

i think about her when i wake up, all day, and b4 sleep...

i feel all funny when i kiss her like nothing can go wrong...

she makes me feel on top of the world...

when i'm with her, i'm always smiling and happy...

i can see myself getting older together with her...

am i in love?

(Mod Note: This is approved, but it has also been asked a zillion times. Next time, it would be better to do a site search and get some insight on existing threads of the same topic, than to post a new one that will probably yield the exact same or similar answers as ones previous.)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 October 2007):

It seems You re in love with her... But thats the question on which only You can answer to urself or ill dawn to you at once..

What a nice feeling a?:)

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A female reader, angelblueeyes United Kingdom +, writes (12 October 2007):

angelblueeyes agony auntHi,

I do believe that you are in love, but having said that only you can truely tell if you are, If its real look after her,love her and treasure what you have love is special when its with the right person!

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A male reader, Escalaya United States +, writes (12 October 2007):

Escalaya agony auntthere's never a way to know true love for sure. Sometimes, love comes in many different shapes, and colors. Often times, also, Something else, such as lust is disguised as love.

If you really feel you love her, don't ask yourself if you do, or don't. or if it's true love. Show that you love her, and always treat her like you love her.

By the way, no one can truly answer this question, except yourself.

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