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Long distance relationship and huge age gap... can this work?

Tagged as: Age differences, Long distance, Love stories<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 March 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 14 March 2011)
A female Canada age 30-35, *lexiamanick writes:


my name is Alexia I am 19 year old. I live in Canada and I am head over heels for a man who lives in romania, he is 36 year old...divorced and father of a little girl. I met him on vacation down in mexico only hours before my departure. We had just enough time to exchange emails and phone numbers.We email each other every 2 days but I'm constantly worried ... can this really work?

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A female reader, MamaBear United States +, writes (14 March 2011):

Talk a bout nonsense! Meet a guy, get his name, etc. and live worlds away from each other, You need a bigger world!

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A female reader, Denise32 United States +, writes (11 March 2011):

Denise32 agony auntRather a flimsy sort of arrangement if you ask me.

What I mean is this: as you said, you met him literally a few hours before your departure from Mexico. You live in Canada, he in Romania. Not only that but the age gap is considerable: 16 years.

It concerns me that you say you're "head over heels for this man." How can you be? You barely know him, and you communicate by email, not even by Skype, where if you both have webcams you can at least see and talk live.

What you have here is an infatuation. what do you REALLY know of his life in Romania? He could be married (and even if separated,, then separated is still not the same as being divorced). He could be anybody.

Unless you have a chance to visit if he comes to where you live in Canada - I wouldn't recommend you going to Romania at this point - what are the chances that you'll see one another at least once or twice a year? Basically, little to none.

You'd do better to treat meeting him as a pleasant interlude, with no future.


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