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Just had a baby and not feeling too great about my body, and now I find out my boyfriend is watching porn! What should I do?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Pornography, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 April 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 15 April 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I've just had a baby so am not really comfy with my body at the minute, but I've just recently found out that my boyfriend and my babies dad has been watching porn on the internet and Im not sure how to feel or what I should do about it?

View related questions: porn, the internet

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 April 2011):

Tell him to get some respect for you and if he doesn't then take ur baby and leave. After all he had a big role to play in you becoming pregnant didn't he? If he can't be considerate and realize how him viewing the women in porn would make any new mother feel he is no good for you as a partner or a father to your child. I'm sorry about you situation and I really hope your child is not a girl, considering the father clearly enjoys seeing women degraded

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A male reader, macdubh712 United States +, writes (11 April 2011):

I say it depends on how long ago you had the baby and if your body is physically ready to resume having sex. If your body is physically ready and he still wants to look at porn I say that is a problem. However, if you haven't been cleared to start that up yet perhaps he just needs the extra stimulation because, let's face it, 99.9% of all males masturbate, the other .1% lie about it.

If he does just need the extra stimulation but you aren't not quite able to have sex, offer him something to view. :)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 April 2011):

Please dont worry about this!! Every man watches porn!! Most women dont feel the need to but for some reason if men aren't getting any sex (understandable seen as you have just had a baby!) then they will watch porn to "relieve" themselves!

Just know that you are not being compared to these women... in real life they may be very nice people but on these videos they are just objects and that is as far as your man will see them... The idea of porn is not to fancy the women or men in the videos its the act of sex that is turning your guy on. it is most likely that he is imagining you and him doing whatever is on the video! Man can be simple at times and need a bit of visual stimulation rather than relying on their limited imagination! :)

Your man fancied you before you had your baby so he knows this little bit of belly is only temporary and it will all stretch back into place in time :) Get going in the bedroom again to keep your man satisfied and its a great way to exercise and get back into your former shape, Plus watching your boyfriends look of pure joy when he finds your up for it will boost your self confidence in your body 100 times!!! xx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 April 2011):

When I first met my husband he watched porn as he was single. He told me about it and reassured me he didn't need it anymore. Ask yoyr boyfriend to give it up and explain why gently. No one needs porn its really not a big issue to most men. It's a habit that's all.

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