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I've got a new partner but she wants me to use protection and I respect that, problem is when ever I try to use protection I can not get it up !

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 November 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 18 November 2008)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I've got a new partner but she wants me to use protection and I respect that with her as normally most girls ive been with just dont really care about protection. Only problem is when ever I try to use protection I can not get it this because I am nervous or alergic. I have tried oral first but everytime I am about to put the condom on it just goes down and its hard to get back up.

I am fine when condoms ain't in the picture but she wont have sex without using one...should i go see a doctor? why wont i get hard whenever I'm about to use condoms?

Please help I need to find out how to deal with this =/ . Thanks

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 November 2008):

I agree with the fact that going to a doctor could help. Maybe you're thinking that because alot of people say that it "feels different" in condom or "it feels better without it", etc., could be making you feel a teeny bit nervous? I think you should still go to doc to find out though.

Now with your partner, if she isn't on birth control, it could be the simple fact that she doesn't want to get pregnant/stds. And even if she is on birth control, maybe she wants to me as safe as possible. Nothing wrong with safe sex, so it shouldn't be a problem. Yes, you may trust each other and all, but its better to be as safe as you can. Just don't try to ask her out of the condom thing unless she's ok with it.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 November 2008):

Have you asked her why she won't have sex without a condom, if you are in a committed relationship and both have a sexual health check and she is on the pil there is no health reason why she shoudn't want you to. Perhaps she is squeemish about you coming inside her, you need to talk to her about all of this, and not when you are in a sexual situation, you could suggest you pull out before you come, but you still both need to get checked out and she needs to be on the pill even if you do this. Basically you need to talk to her and above all respect her decision.

Hope that helps.

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