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Is there a way I can get the truth without looking crazy?

Tagged as: Family, Forbidden love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 October 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 13 October 2009)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I had just read an article where someone was mentioning that 30% of brothers and sister experiment on each other. My girlfriend was very close with her half-brother who was about 5-6 years older than her. They had went though very though times and he had been sexually active, but I happened to be her first (I broke her hymen), but she happened to be good at oral, which she said she had looked up. Seeing how close and friendly they are with each other, I can't get it out of my head that they might have experimented with masturbation with each other. Is there some way I can ask getting the turth, without coming off as crazy, or will I never know?

View related questions: hymen

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A female reader, pinktopaz United States +, writes (13 October 2009):

First off, I would like to know where this article you read was posted at, second it's not even half, and third who were these people that they were even asking? Just because she's good at oral doesn't mean that she's been practicing on her brother! She would probably be very insulted if you asked her--let this one go, get the visual out of your mind because it probably never happened.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 October 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

It really didn't spark any though untill I saw how friendly and playful she is with her brothers. Her older sister also has issues with "experimenting" in that way toward her other sisters.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (13 October 2009):

You may never know. I will say however that if the siblings were prone to any physical abuse (non-sexual, like hitting) or sexual abuse, they are more likely to fall in that 30%. My siblings and I were all badly beaten growing up and we all used to flash each other, show each other, explain body parts, etc. It was to relieve the stress and tension being hit caused. It's so taboo that I don't know if I could be honest if asked point-blank but I did tell my husband a bit about it after being married for several years. Those behaviors & experiences didn't make us closer as siblings, though. They made us more body-shy as we got older and now we're nearly prude in the privacy we give one another when we're all together at holidays & such. If she's close with her half-brother it's most likely because it's a healthy emotional relationship - not one with a taboo sexual history. If he was the strong big-brother-as-protctor type and she was the adoring younger sister who needed a hero and they helped each other through a tough time, they will carry that bond and behave in the way you're describing.

BTW, I look up info online all the time about how to give better blow jobs. Not porn but articles written by women for women. She's most likely telling you the truth!

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