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Is it possible he may like me?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 March 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 March 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Okay, so him and I are juniors in high school, and neither of us has ever been in a relationship (of any kind).

We have known who the other person is since the beginning of high school, but we've never really spoken to each other.

I find him repeatedly glancing at me, and when I look at him, his eyes dart away really quickly. This has happened so many times that I've lost count.

He has tried to start a conversation with me, but he only asks dead-end questions, but it feels awkward so it never last for more than a minute.

There are times when he sees me with a mutual friend (guy/girl) and he interrupts our conversation and completely ignores me.

He has a group of friends who talk about this guy to me every other day. They say that he's never going to get a girlfriend, he's smart, he's too conservative, and he never masturbates. Keep in mind that those guys are barely aquaintances. And one day, another friend of his just randomly, out of nowhere, said "oh, he doesn't want a girlfriend, he thinks he'll get distracted". and I was like "um ok...." (As I didn't even ask!)

and this guy is actually really well-liked. He's sociable, and has many friends. So he's not shy, I don't think.

Also, I have had three dreams of him within the past few months. I am wonderng if that means anything?

View related questions: get a girlfriend, shy

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A female reader, tannah12764 United States +, writes (19 March 2010):

tannah12764 agony auntYour dreams are your heads way of processing infomation. You probably are thinking about him or have a big enough impression of him that he ends up in your dreams.

It seams like he likes you but has no idea how to take the 1st step.

If you think you are interested in him you should start talking to him and start non 'dead end' questions.

Men love it when you talk about things they like so try asking him what he likes to do so he'll be more comfterable.

After you two have developed some sort of nonawkward relationship and you have found you like him, start the flirting process and just remember to take it slow.

1st relationships are often sped up and crash very fast.

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