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I'm still crazy on her! Do I get over her or give it another go?

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Question - (14 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 March 2007)
A , anonymous writes:

i get this weird feeling when i see this girl at school talk to another boy. it kills my insides in jealousy if she smiles at them!

i really like her but it's impossible to say somethin to her because she rejected me a few months ago, she still talks to me online a lot but i'm goin crazy over her. shall i get over her or try again?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2007):

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ye obviously she knows i'm the same person. we rarely talk in school, but online we have a decent conversation.

any more suggestions?

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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (15 March 2007):

AskEve agony auntIf she rejected you a few months ago then it's too soon to try again with her. Does she know when she talks to you online that you're the same person she rejected? I would stop talking to her online for a bit as this isn't helping things. Find something else to do to take up your time. Join a gym, take up a sport, get out there, build up your muscles and go back to her a few years from now once you're both more mature and try again... if you're not inundated from other admiring females that is. ;o)


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