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I'm scared about my future...I saw my other friends having so much fun

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 August 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 10 August 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i left school this year n have kept in touch with only 3 friends.

going on the other friends myspaces n readin how they all have had so much fun this summer angered me.

im never guna see them again but i just felt so angry that im not part of that anymore. im a bit of a hermit. But i start work in sept n college one day a week. Do you think I will meet new friends n have a good time with them. I am goin to be working for the council n im so nervous n scared that i wont get on with anyone!

wt do u think?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 August 2008):

In the end, you are the person responsible for having a good time and making friends. Hard as it might be in a new situation, you just have to make some effort. So, be outgoing and friendly and don't worry what others think about you. Also be sure to stay involved in other activities outside of work and school; there you can meet people with the same interests. I think you will meet new friends and have a good time with them!

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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (10 August 2008):

aphexinfinite agony aunti left school with no friends we drifted since i went to college and when i was at college i met more friends and i still barely keep in touch with two of them..sometimes we go different directions but its just life and where it takes us but if you want to keep in touch you have to make and effort too fate will only do so much.. and yes you can meet new people and make friends. just be yourself relax and have fun and dont worry and stress out give it time.. good luck aphex xx

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