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I'm in love with my female best friend

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 December 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 27 December 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I have just come off a long term relationship and quickly after the break up i got a new girlfriend. Every Xmas Eve, me and a selection of close friends spend Xmas Eve together eating Chinese takeaway watching a movie. The new girlfriend came along and got on great with my mates. One of these mates is a work colleague i'll call her HL, she is 21 and over the last 2 and a half years she has become my best mate.

I spent Xmas Day with my girlfriend watching telly in the evening but as the night went on i started to think more about HL and when it came to having sex later in the night with the girlfriend a part of began to think of HL.

The last time i thought of someone like this was the long term girlfriend i mentioned at the top.

HL is single and according to a mutual friend HL likes me than more as a mate.

The problem is that she is my best mate, and there have been times when i have not been exactly faithful in past relationships, HL knows about this and once even said that i might be a sex addict. If i do cheat on HL it would end our friendship but i really think i am in love with her. Please help what do i do.

View related questions: best friend, sex addict

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 December 2007):

Thanks for the advice so far, but there has been a twist.

She came by the house to hang out and she ended up spotting me reading the website and saw my question. I tried to come up with a story of the best friend being someone else but i know she didn't buy it. The next hour was really awkward. I want to tell her the whole story tonight but i fear she might reject me.

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A male reader, Somethingeasy United States +, writes (26 December 2007):

Somethingeasy agony auntI say go for it. Thats how you usally end up with someone you can really be happy with. Now you have to do the hard part and go find out how she realy feels.

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (26 December 2007):

birdynumnums agony auntIf you have any intention of pursuing HL, you should break it off with your new girlfriend beforehand. HL probably was joking with you when she teased you about being a sex addict, but I wouldn't try proving he right by cheating on your current girlfriend with her. She probably does like you from the feedback that you have gotten, and if you wait too much longer, you'll get stuck in the friend zone forever. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained! Most great relationships start out as friends first, so I think you have a good chance here to make it work. Best of Luck!

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