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If I give my guy this special b'day present, will he think I'm weird?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 June 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 14 June 2007)
A female Australia age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Question for the guys and BE HONEST. If you were dating someone and for your birthday she gave you this present, would you be freaked out?

My boyfriend is turning 20 this year and so I've made him a little book. Each page is a reason I love him, and there are 20 reasons (for 20 years) in all.

If a guy got this, would he think his girlfriend was some kind of weird stalker obsessed with him or something?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 June 2007):

Ok 20 years you must know this person in order to create a book for him...if you know he will appreciate it and you feel good about it, go for it.

Best wishes, Pork Hock

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A male reader, wildturkey Australia +, writes (14 June 2007):

wildturkey agony auntI would love that gift, but agree with spanna it depends on how long you have been seeing each other.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 June 2007):

As a guy I would really enjoy something like that. It means you actually put some feeling into the gift. That means more to most guys than popular culture would have you believe. I say go for it I'm sure he'll enjoy it. Take care.

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A female reader, stargirl United States +, writes (9 June 2007):

stargirl agony aunti think you should go for it. its a memory he will always with him. and he'll know you were really thoughtful and that you care about him alot

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 June 2007):

Me and my bf are really close and have been together more than a year now, and he would like it im sure. I think ur bf would really really like it, assuming hes that sort of person... if youve only jsut gotten together it might be a little over the top... thats jsut my opinion... im guessing he will love it.

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