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I told my baby sister that Santa isn't real, did I crush her belief?

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Question - (1 December 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 5 December 2008)
A age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My sister (she's 5) has been bugging me (im 15) about santa lately. I got annoyed so I told her that Santa doesn't exists. She haven't been quite the same. She when this happy little girl to this depress person. Did I crush her belief?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2008):

Dont feel too bad, just tell her you were only joking.and that santa wants to speak to you personally to tell you off and he is giving you one present less for what you said, Make sure you tell your parents so they can help. Do everything you can to help bring the magic back to your kid sis..

on christmas could wrap a special present up for your sis...and say when santa spoke to you he gave you this SPECIAL present to give to your sister. Get her to write lists and leave one in the garden for the fairies to take to santa, special delivery as they can fly fast, and as the elfs are busy at the moment. Just use your imagination and remember santa does bringing happiness at christmas, i believe in him anyway and im getting older each christmas.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 December 2008):

you could dress up as santa and 'visit' your house and tell her that santa is real because you will be stood there!!! as santa.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (1 December 2008):

Yep, you are a bad big brother right now.

I think you should do some kind of trick that gives her complete proof that Santa is real.

Post her a letter from him thanking her for being good this year and that he will see her soon. But that she needs to tell her parents to maybe buy her big brother some gifts as he has NOT been good and will not be getting a visit.

She will probably come dashing in to rub this in your face and you will be understandably shocked and sorry that you were wrong.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 December 2008):

That's a really low thing to do, you can still change things around and tell her you were lieing to annoy her. I been annoyed plenty times by younger sister but never felt tempted to give that one secret away.

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A male reader, Austinalive United States +, writes (1 December 2008):

not only hers but alse her friend's, she'll tell'em. She's a little girl, she's suppose to be annoying, like you were. Did anybody crushed your childhood beliefs?

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