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I pursued my career rather than haven't had many relationships...what are the signs that he likes me??

Tagged as: Dating, Faded love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 June 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 26 June 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I usually a loud, confident person but because I chose to persue my career instead of love I have not had many relationships, this has left me unconfident in this area. Other the past few months I have started to fall for this guy. What is the best way to ask him out and what are the signs that he likes me too?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2008):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thank you to everyone who has helped!

Kind Regards


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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2008):

Here babs:

some clear tell-tale signs:

If he wants to talk to you all the time,

If you turn around and you catch him looking at you,

If he starts acting nicer when you're around him,

If he says "yes" to all the things you ask him to do,

If he treats you differently than others,

If he tries to sit next to you at work, in class, at lunch, or play on a team with you during Gym/Recess

If he looks at you a lot every time you smile or laugh,

If he acts immaturely around you, like poking, teasing or playful flirting,

If he seems to always want to hang out with you,

If he gets closer with a body part, or if he tries to touch you (e.g. when you touch him he might touch you back),

If you catch him peeking at you and he smiles,

If he tries to make you laugh,

If he tries to copy you,

If he walks up to you out of the blue and hugs you,

If he tries to keep you in view for as long as possible or tends to look around and stop when he finds you,

If he subtly looks at you but makes it look like he is looking at the girl next to him,

If he constantly calls you and uses an excuse -such as What was the homework?

If he goes out of his way to talk to you (e.g. if he goes to the other side of your school to talk to you because he knows you have a class there),

If you block him on instant messenger and stop talking to him, and he finds a way to talk to you (note: this may be considered a form of stalking)

If you see him staring at something by turning his head 90 degrees and when you look at him he smiles and turns away, when this happens, check his pupils, he might have actually been staring at you

If he invites you to his birthday party or any kind of party,

If you flirt with a friend of his when he can see, and he looks jealous or automatically flirts back, (but don't flirt with them just to find out if he likes you)

If he talks to you and wants to know how you're doing,

If he is nicer or tries to talk to your friends,

If he asks about you to your friends when you're not around,

If he asks you to dance with him at the dance.

If he walks past you and tries to look cool so you can glance at him

If a guy tries to show you things he got that are somewhat expensive (e.g. a cellphone) or he tries to impress you,

If you notice when he gets out of class and starts to walk a little slower than usual, then he's trying to give you the opportunity to talk to him!

If he always talks to you there's a great chance that he likes you.

If he feels so awful letting you down that he lies.

If he would do anything to spend more time talking to you (e.g. if he talks to/texts you until 2:30 in the morning).

If you realize that he ignores you when your looking but when you look out of the corner of your eye, he turns back around to look back at you,

If he's talking to his friends and nodding like he's paying attention but you realize he's not, he's actually been staring at you the whole time!

If he walks down the hallway and he "accidentally" bumps into you/touches you/moves your chair/pulls your hair etc.

If he ignores you almost completely. For example, when you call his name he does nothing, but when your friend doess he pays attention. This is because he might be embarrassed or not sure how to approach you. Be careful, though, he might ignore because he just flat-out doesn't like you!

Watch his body language! Whenever you are in a group of people with the one guy you think likes you, look at his shoulders - believe it or not, sub-consciously the guy will not want you to think he is ignoring you so his shoulders will be pointing at you, he may be talking to somebody else but his shoulders will be towards your direction, and then when you go to talk, he will usually immediately turn to you to listen.

Watch his actions! If someone else is picking on you does he rush to defend you or get revenge on that person? Either he thinks of you as a great friend or he really likes you!

Where he goes! If you see him go some places that you usually go often and whenever you go there and he passes by or goes there that means he likes you. Or whenever you go you see him or go across him for no reason. And he will talk to you a lot in gym,lunch,music or many more!

Watch his actions around other girls and see if he treats you differently. If he always wants to talk to you or just likes to hang around you.

If he starts a conversation, try to push it on. If he likes you, one thing may lead to another, and he will ask you out.

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