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I need some help with my situation please

Tagged as: Teenage, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 May 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 25 May 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi I hope someone can help x

This boy likes me , I like him back , but he has a gf , and I feel like I'm waiting untill they break up what should I do to help the situation ? Also when they do break up , another boy likes me but it's like he has an obsession and he's very protective over me , and I've tried telling him I don't want to go out with him but he pretends he never heard me ! I need some help with my situation please xxx


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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 May 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Boy (a) is about to break up with his gf ... will he come running to me !?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 May 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Boy (b) is about to break up with his gf ... will he come running to me !?

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A female reader, love-struckxo Canada +, writes (21 May 2009):

love-struckxo agony auntI think you should back away from boy (a) and (b).

I mean, think about it. If boy (a) really wanted to be with you, why hasn't he broke up with his girlfriend by now, and sealed the deal with you? not meaning to sound rude or anything.

Lay down the law and tell him, if he wants something with you - then he better prove it or else your walking. You really don't want to be the 'other woman' do you? The one he constantly strings along..

No, I didn't think so.

Don't play the games. It's never worth it

and boy (b) You really didn't say much about it, other then hes really obsessive. Doesn't sound like much of a catch.. time to sit down with him and tell him that you don't think of him that way - and get your point across.

Being young, love - feelings and emotions are always hard.

But we move on, we forgive and we forget, and there is always something better in store.

Keep that in mind


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