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I need others in my life, someone I can depend on, how can I get this ?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Friends, Health<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 April 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2007)
A female United States age 36-40, *erkypanda writes:

i feel so easily discarded by friends and i dont know why I keep getting left. I try very hard to make the people in my life feel important but when i need someone there is no one i can count on. Ive been trying to strengthen ties with some friends i've lost contact with but i either feel even more isolated after realizing all ive missed or get nothing at all. Plus, no matter what, i feel like nothing's changed between the friend and i. There are no increase in invites, its still all me keeping the friendship going.

its so hard to put myself out there and get rejected over and over by the same people, but i feel too old to make any BFFs or anything. And whenever i do make a new friend, i feel like its one more person on the list of those who leave me feeling more and more isolated.

I do have a boyfriend who i care for, but i need to have other people in my life!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2007):

You cant just find good and true friends by going shopping for them so to speak.They tend to arrive naturally.Yes you can deliberatly socialise to meet people,but cant force friendship.I guess you are trying too hard.Relax, enjoy life and things will take care of themselves.You sound like a nice and sensitive person, no reason you wont find genuine people you connect with - just let it happen

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A female reader, candyk United Kingdom +, writes (20 April 2007):

Try going new places to make new friends. Find new hobbies to assosciate with people who have similar interests. Cooking, going to the gym, dancing, art, whatever takes your fancy. I'm sure the offers of out of class invites to all kinds of events will follow when they realise what a good person you are to be around.

Be posotive


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A male reader, macboy Australia +, writes (20 April 2007):

macboy agony auntSometimes friends are not entirely necessary.

It is good to have close friends you can depend on, but your boyfriend should be all the company you need.

If you ever make a friend, make sure it is a person your boyfriend is comfortable with and can be friends with.

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